Scientists often win Nobel prizes when they get old

The Journal of the American Academy of Sciences has announced that scientists who won the Nobel Prize often achieved great scientific achievements when the age of late.

This new finding contradicts the long-held view that these geniuses have achieved most of the scientific success for life before the age of 30.

The Gazette said that by 1905, about two-thirds of Nobel Prize-winning scientists had achieved scientific achievements for their lives before the age of 40 and about 20% of these scientists were reached before the age of 30. But counting Since 2000, great scientific achievements have hardly been achieved before the age of 30.

This study focuses on scientists who won the Nobel Prize in 1900-2008 in physics, chemistry and medicine.

Picture 1 of Scientists often win Nobel prizes when they get old
The oldest scientist to win the Nobel Prize is Raymond Davis

The great scientist Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 saying that he did not invent the Theory of Relativity at the age of 30, he would not be able to achieve this later. However, today, the average age for scientists to achieve inventions for physical life has reached 50 years old.

Two possible explanations for the age of scientific research of Nobel laureates are that they need more time to spend high scientific degrees and less scientific works. theory or less abstract, less need to accumulate knowledge.

Most scientists who won the Nobel Prize before 1905 received the highest degree of science at the age of 25, but by the end of the 20th century, physicists and chemists received the highest scientific degree at an advanced age. more.

While before 1905, physicists' average median age was 37, chemists were 36, medical scientists were 38, after 1985, the average age of Nobel Prize winners The theorem is 50, chemists are 46, medical scientists are 45.

The youngest Nobel Prize-winning scientist was Lawrence Bragg, an Australian-born British, when he won the Nobel Prize in Physics at the age of 25 in 1915, with the work of X-ray crystal structure analysis. The oldest scientist Nobel Prize winner Raymond Davis, American, when he won the physics prize in 2002, at the age of 88.