Nobel Prizes are also sometimes

Although not a small contributor to the Nobel Prize-winning research, many scientists have been forgotten, not included in the prize list.

Alfred Nobel spent 94% of the value of the property to create five Nobel Prizes (Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and Peace) for those "in the years before the award was given, has brought the greatest benefit to humans. ' In 1968, the Swedish Bank added a prize in the field of economic science, but in fact, this noble award was not always given to its owner.

Edouard Branly

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz and Edouard Branly's research is the source of Guglielmo Marchese Marconi's radio telegraph. However, the Nobel Committee for Physics Prize Approval in 1909 forgot Edouard Branly when awarding this work, although Marconi confirmed Branly's merit.

Guglielmo Marconi

The Italian Ministry of Post and Telegraph refused to help Marconi financially after he introduced the works they thought were extravagant. Therefore, Marconi went to England to continue his research on wave propagation. In Italy, his technical feat was finally recognized when the wireless telephone service he opened with the help of his student - Edouard Branly - developed. Branly received the Nobel Prize, but Marconi was not invited to share the prize with this famous student.

Charles Best

Picture 1 of Nobel Prizes are also sometimes

Charles Best - who should have received the Nobel Prize for Medicine 1923. (Photo: Physics)

In 1923, Frederick Grant Banting - the discoverer of insulin was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine. Sharing the prize with him was John McLeod, while this honor should have been for Charles Best. McLeod was the only one to divide Banting in a corner of the lab, an assistant and experimental animals during the two summer months, when he stopped in Scotland, while Charles Best was the nearest partner, attached to the project.

Angry because Charles Best was unfairly treated, Banting divided his share for Charles Best. After that, the Nobel Review Committee realized the mistake but they had no means to fix it, because the decisions had already been made and could not be recovered.

Dominique Stehelin

John Bishop and Harold Varmus received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1989 for their discovery of the origin of tumors after infection with the virus. But many French scientists are sorry for Dominique Stehelin because he was the one who discovered that first when he was a postdoctoral intern in 1976. According to them, Stehelin should have been a Nobel Prize winner.