Scary jaws of leather turtles

Inverted sharp spines in the throat in both the upper jaw and lower jaw are characteristics that help the leather turtle hold food in its mouth.

Picture 1 of Scary jaws of leather turtles
In fact, the frightening "teeth" of leather turtles or leatherback turtles (Sea Turtle Leatherback) are prickly spines in the throat and sharp edge points on the upper lip.(Photo:

Picture 2 of Scary jaws of leather turtles
The papillae in the turtle's mouth have an inverted, sharp and sharp cone.Thanks to this feature, they can help leather turtles keep food in their mouths.The main food of turtles is slow moving jellyfish.(Photo: Science Based Life)

Picture 3 of Scary jaws of leather turtles
With these teeth, they are considered one of the most terrifying animals in the world.In the picture are the adjacent papillae inside the throat of a leather turtle.(Photos: Wikipedia)

Picture 4 of Scary jaws of leather turtles
When born, a turtle has a length of about 7cm.During the development process, by consuming a quantity of jellyfish every day, a leather turtle will reach an average length of 1.2 to 1.8 meters.On average, a turtle consumes about 73% of its body weight per day.(Photo:

Picture 5 of Scary jaws of leather turtles
Leather turtles are the largest sea turtle and the third largest reptile in the world.Leather turtles have a specially designed digestive system that helps them consume a lot of food, but they cannot distinguish jellyfish and other floating plastic waste in the water.This restriction causes the garbage to become stuck in the throat and endanger the turtle.