Monstrous turtles 'mouse-tail elephant heads' in Vietnam

It was a strange animal with a large oversized head, a long tail like a rat's tail and a pair of jaws like parrots, sharp and strong like a pincer .

The animal is called the big-headed turtle (Platysternum megacephalum), a rare turtle that lives in some of the northern, central and central highlands of Vietnam.

Big headed turtles live along streams in the forest, where the water is clear and flows slowly. During the day, they hide under rocks or sunbathing on streams, they look for prey, mainly fish and aquatic species at dusk or at night.

Picture 1 of Monstrous turtles 'mouse-tail elephant heads' in Vietnam

Picture 2 of Monstrous turtles 'mouse-tail elephant heads' in Vietnam

Picture 3 of Monstrous turtles 'mouse-tail elephant heads' in Vietnam

Picture 4 of Monstrous turtles 'mouse-tail elephant heads' in Vietnam

Picture 5 of Monstrous turtles 'mouse-tail elephant heads' in Vietnam

Picture 6 of Monstrous turtles 'mouse-tail elephant heads' in Vietnam

Picture 7 of Monstrous turtles 'mouse-tail elephant heads' in Vietnam

Picture 8 of Monstrous turtles 'mouse-tail elephant heads' in Vietnam

Picture 9 of Monstrous turtles 'mouse-tail elephant heads' in Vietnam

Picture 10 of Monstrous turtles 'mouse-tail elephant heads' in Vietnam