The aircraft separates the cabin in an emergency

A Russian engineer offers a new way to save thousands of passengers in the event of an emergency on the plane.

On Tuesday, Russian aviation engineer Tatarenko Vladimir Nikolaevich designed a plane that could separate the cabin in case of an emergency. If the aircraft encounters a problem during take-off, during the flight or landing, the passenger cabin can be disassembled from the aircraft and landed safely on the ground as well as the water surface by parachute.

Picture 1 of The aircraft separates the cabin in an emergency
Interior design of the cabin separate from the cabin. (Photo: Youtube).

For the design, Nikolaevich has been researching the project for the past three years. According to Nikolaevich's plan, an umbrella was attached to the roof of the cabin. It will unpack as soon as the cabin is separated from the aircraft. In addition, rubber hoses contribute to the reduction of collisions when cabin landing and inflatable equipment help the cabin float on the water.

"Kevlar (a lightweight, lightweight synthetic fiber) and carbon compounds are used in the fuselage, air intakes, main lifts, back flaps, rear flaps, flanges and tails, Flight down worse after adding the system though, " Nikolaevich explained.

Picture 2 of The aircraft separates the cabin in an emergency
The device even helps passengers in the cabin landing safely. (Photo: Youtube).

The luggage compartment is located just below the cabin to avoid being lost even when the cabin is separated. However, for practical production, the design needs to be accompanied by a collision avoidance solution with other parts of the aircraft, handling collapsible cabin ability to impact mountain or buildings and supplementing the plan. Exit for pilots.

According to the inventor's survey, 95% of respondents are willing to pay higher costs to use this safe design.