German inventors have successfully tested the MK-HexaKopter six-bladed jets with a camera and carry a weight of about 1kg.

The end of January, 'super fighter

A special flying device has been introduced to the public by the US Space Administration (NASA).

A British engineer has successfully designed the world's first winged submarine, acting as a domestic aircraft.

Qatar Airways has made its mark in the history of the world aviation industry by successfully implementing its first commercial flight using natural gas.

The revolution in the helicopter industry is promising to launch super-fast helicopters, unmanned helicopters and super-safe helicopters.

The plane runs entirely in sunlight, with wingspan equivalent to the Boeing 747 passenger aircraft but only less than a small car.

The first ever manned planet powered by hydrogen fuel cells flew in the German sky yesterday.

The B2 stealth bomber of the US military passed

Scientists have tested the technology of producing supersonic passenger aircraft in Australia.