Why should children give birth before 35 years old?

At the age of 20-24 years, women are most likely to conceive; At 25-34 years of age, women give birth to and care for the best child. From 35 years of age onwards, fertility decreases and the child's risk of disease increases. 

According to Dr. Mai Xuan Phuong, Deputy Director of Communications and Education, General Department of Population, Ministry of Health, women should give birth to a second child before age 35 to improve the quality of the population. This is the right age for successful birth and parenting. 

Why should children give birth before 35 years old?

Clinical research shows  that the main reason why older women give birth is difficult is due to ovarian problems. If she gives birth in adolescence, the woman is hindered by the maximal pelvic pelvis.

Gynecological associations around the world claim that the best age for giving birth to a woman is between 20 and under 35 years old. Women's fertility varies with age.

At the age of 20-24 years, women are most likely to conceive. Then, the ability to conceive gradually decreases, at the age of 35 years and onwards begins to decline sharply. By the age of 45, very few women can conceive naturally.

Picture 1 of Why should children give birth before 35 years old?
Women's fertility varies with age.

This is explained as follows: a girl is born with about 2 million oocytes (immature eggs) in the body. The number of these follicles "falls" as the girl grows and declines rapidly since puberty. Each menstrual cycle, hundreds of oocytes are "mobilized" to prepare for ovulation, but only one or a few eggs mature and ovulate. The rest enter the process of self-destruction under the action of female sex hormones. Thus, over time, the number of oocytes declines and will stop at menopause. This is unlike in men, sperm is born constantly.

"In terms of fertility, 20-24 years old is the best age, but in terms of caring for children after birth, 25-34 year old women are more favorable due to their more stable psychological and financial ability. . " , said Dr. Phuong.

Possible risk 

Pregnancy after 35 years of age can be difficult and dangerous for both mother and baby. A woman's fertility begins to decline after age 32 and decreases faster after age 37. Problems that can affect fertility such as endometriosis and fibroids are also more common in older women.

Besides conceiving, the older women give birth, the higher their risk of complications in pregnancy such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and miscarriage. In particular, the risk of children with birth defects, mental retardation retardation also increases with the mother's age. The reason is that the older the mother, the higher the ability of the chromosomes in the egg to stick together, leading to diseases related to chromosomal disorders for the fetus such as Down syndrome, Edwards .

Research shows that a 25-year-old mother has a Down birth rate of only 1 in 1,250 cases; 30-year-old mother rate is 1/952, over 35 years old is 1/378, over 45 years old is 1/30 rate.

Older women are more likely to have medical problems than younger women, such as high blood pressure, which can lead to pre-eclampsia risk. The risk of diabetes or gestational diabetes also increases with age, causing many complications that directly threaten the mother's life and the baby's health.

Older women, the risk of multiple pregnancies is higher than younger women. In addition, some treatments for infertility lead to an increased risk of multiple pregnancies.

Multiple pregnancies can cause serious problems such as premature birth, pre-eclampsia, affecting fetal development and gestational diabetes. The risk and severity of the disease increases with the number of fetuses the mother is carrying. In addition, the risk of intrauterine fetal death is also higher in women over 35 years old.

Women in their 30s are usually ordered to have a cesarean section, more than women in their 20s. A cesarean section is also at risk, such as infection, bowel or bladder damage, reaction to anesthetic or anesthetic .

What should i prepare before pregnancy?

Dr. Phuong recommends that, before getting pregnant, women should go to the health examination, early detect gynecological diseases. Thereby the doctor will know the medical history, the drug that the mother is using . Must stop taking some drugs that affect conception.

In the case of a disease, treatment is definitely needed as otherwise it will affect the pregnancy. Common gynecological pathologies are gynecological inflammation, cervical polyps, ovarian tumors, endometriosis .

Blood tests should be done to look for blood conditions such as anemia, thalassemia; or sexually transmitted diseases affecting pregnancy such as hepatitis B, HIV, syphilis . Your doctor will also advise you on the right diet before becoming pregnant. For example, use 0.4 mg of folic acid daily to reduce the risk of having a baby with neural tube defects.

Exercise regularly. Lose weight if you are overweight or obese. Stop smoking, drinking alcohol or using illegal drugs. During pregnancy, avoid contact with chemicals at home or work that may harm the unborn baby.

Get prenatal care early and regularly during pregnancy. This is very important because every visit the doctor will check the health of both mother and baby to detect and promptly solve any problems that may occur.

When should a reproductive health check?

Pre-marriage health checkups include general checkups and reproductive health exams. In particular, a physical examination finds diseases that are likely to affect the health of themselves and their partners for early treatment plans such as hepatitis B, HIV or genetic diseases, gender-related diseases, heart disease, reproductive disease .

Reproductive health exams are the period from when a person starts being fertile to getting married, including adolescents who have begun to be fertile, to older people (even only 30- 0 years old) but have never been married. 

In fact, couples usually just go to reproductive health before marriage. However, you should be able to see your doctor sooner to screen for health problems. Health experts recommend that it is best to have a health check before marriage at least 3 months before marriage to allow more time to prepare.

"Medical examinations help married couples prepare to step into married life confidently with a safe sex lifestyle, ready to welcome a healthy baby," Dr. Phuong said.

Future mothers also need to understand and inject vaccines, mineral supplements, reasonable nutrition to prepare health conditions for pregnancy and childbirth safely. At that time, women also control the pregnancy plan, the time of having children and the number of children appropriately.

  1. Night work affects the fertility of women
  2. Fiber reduces fertility in women