Why should pee in the shower?

Peeing in the shower is undoubtedly one of the delicate things people are often shy to mention, but that doesn't mean it's uncommon. In fact, 76% of people interviewed in a recent UK survey admitted to doing this.

Although almost all of us have a habit of urinating in the shower, not many people know about the benefits of this. In addition to helping you feel comfortable because your bladder is released, urinating in the shower can also be great for many different things.

Picture 1 of Why should pee in the shower?
Urinating in the shower helps to release your bladder.

If you decide to urinate while taking a shower, it is best to do it in your own bathroom rather than a public bath . Urine is considered sterile because it does not contain bacteria.

So what exactly is in the urine?

Depending on the amount of fluid you consume, up to 90% of your urine is water. The rest is salt and compounds that are filtered out of your body. This part may also vary depending on what you have been drinking or eating, as well as the medications and substances you have taken.

In fact, urine basically consists only of water, electrolytes and urea , which means it is very difficult to cause any damage to yourself or your home's drain. Urine is sometimes cleaner than what you wash when you shower in the morning or after going to the gym. Perhaps they are no different from water flowing from a tap when talking about its impact on the surrounding environment.

Picture 2 of Why should pee in the shower?
Urine is unlikely to cause any damage to yourself or your home's drainage.

If you're still wondering about accidentally peeing on your feet, at least no matter what happens, you're standing directly in the shower.

If you have a cut or other wound on your foot, urine is like an antiseptic; ie when you have an open wound, you can pee on it to help avoid infection. But science has not really clarified this problem yet.

Picture 3 of Why should pee in the shower?
Urine can handle fungal infections and discomfort on your feet.

In addition, using urine to treat skin rash or eczema is also an effective method. Urea is the active ingredient in many creams and oils for skin care. It creates the skin's pH balance and is a great method for dry and sensitive skin.

Besides, urine handles fungal infections and discomfort on your feet. The best way is to apply urine to the affected area. You will be amazed at this result and you will see it within a few days.

Bottom line: Urinating while bathing is not harmful to you. However, peeing in the shower can help you save some water (because it does not need to flush), improving the environment in addition to helping you prevent foot fungus.

  1. Life in Antarctica: bacteria also "freeze to death", residents are not allowed to urinate while bathing