Wild animals disturb schools

A fairly large badger chasing girls regularly during recess at a school in England worried teachers and parents.

Badger chases with oversized bodies occur at Folkestone School, Folkestone City, Kent County, England. This is a school for girls, Telegraph reported.

Picture 1 of Wild animals disturb schools
A badger in the UK. (Photo: ALAMY)

Many parents said they saw the badger outside the school for the past two weeks. One woman said that it was very likely that the badger was crazy due to the noise from a nearby construction site.

"We see the badger outside the school playground many times. Its chase action makes hundreds of students panic , " the woman said.

Some students told the teachers that they did not dare to step outside in the recess for fear of badgers attacking.

The school board confirmed the badger chase, but they could not catch or destroy it. Tracy Luke, the principal of the school, only recommends students to stay away from animals.

Badger is a group of 8 mammal species belonging to the Mustelidae family. They are distributed in Europe, Asia and North America. They own 4 short legs and thick fur. Strong teeth and long claws on the forelegs help me dig up soil to find bait and create a cave. The prey of badgers are small animals - like squirrels, mice, and rabbits. They also eat vegetables, fruits and tubers.