Will dinosaurs be cloned in 5 years?

The dinosaurs may re-emerge on Earth after five years, and the chicken is the key to this ability.

Dr. Jack Horner - a famous paleontologist, has served as an advisor in the Jurassic Park series - believing how to bring extinct dinosaurs back into our world today. much simpler than in movies.

In the first Jurassic Park movie, scientists had to suck dinosaur blood from a mosquito fossilized in amber, then they created the genetic code of a blood-drop dinosaur.

However, Dr. Horner says there is a simpler way to bring the dinosaurs back, and that must be based on chickens.

Picture 1 of Will dinosaurs be cloned in 5 years?
By reverse engineering, a new species is called 'Chicken of dinosaurs'.

It is surprising to know that the species raised in this farm is a living relative close to the dinosaurs, and the birds are the descendants of the dinosaurs. By reverse engineering will create a new species '' - nickname that Dr. Horner has set for future results.

He said: 'Since birds are dinosaurs too, we just need to edit them to look more like dinosaurs. Dinosaurs have long tails, two front limbs have their fingers, and through evolution, their tails are gone, and the previous limbs turn into wings'.

In addition, their entire muzzle has changed from a Velociraptor-like morphology to a bird-like morphology. '

According to him, basically, what the research team needs to do is interfere with an embryo when it has just formed, and determine when certain types of genes will be 'turned on' or 'turned off' , From there, we will find a way for the tail to begin to grow, and we will influence that gene to no longer hinder tail development.

Mr. Horner said this could happen within the next five to ten years. We can create teeth for a bird, we can also change its mouth. And the fact that wing and limb problems are simpler than that. The team is confident that we will soon do that.