Will HIV be eliminated in 2030?

If people are tested once a year for HIV, we will eliminate HIV by 2030. That was a statement by scientists at the AIDS conference in Vancouver last month in a search for war. Complete removal strategy for this century.

HIV will be removed in 2030 if the test is done once a year

The war against HIV has long been thought to be extremely persistent and as of now, we still do not have a complete cure for this virus. However, the elimination of this disease requires a lot of tactics, not just treatment. One of the strategies for eliminating HIV is early detection. This is the only way to identify and diagnose people with HIV, which will be treated early and give better results.

Picture 1 of Will HIV be eliminated in 2030?

However, according to estimates, the world currently has 19 million out of 35 million people who have been infected with HIV but have not tested or even did not know they were infected. Although in different countries, the proportion of people who have not tested / the number of people positive for HIV is different, but in general, the problem in the year is still not enough people to be tested. Not only that , the test is not only performed once but must be repeated regularly, probably once a year.

Currently, we have simple, cheap and fast HIV testing methods that result in a high level of reliability. But currently testing for HIV is not yet considered important. Many people feel uncomfortable when testing, being asked to go for tests, etc. Therefore, doctors think it is necessary to send a message to everyone: " There is nothing embarrassing to consider HIV test " and annual testing is necessary.

According to a report at the conference, people have achieved many short-term achievements in the fight against HIV, especially in the last 5 years and now, we have the right to hope to eliminate it. If by 2020, 90% of people infected with HIV are tested, 90% of these people will participate in active treatment, and 90% of those treated will be effective, it is estimated that we will eliminate abandon HIV in 2030.

Researchers call this game 90-90-90 to end this persistent struggle. It requires patience, resources and community culture for health issues. Remember it took two centuries since Edward Jenner discovered the smallpox vaccine in 1796 taking into account the last smallpox infection in 1977. In 2000, the goal of eliminating syphilis in the United States was given. It is about to be achieved but it will not be successful until 10 years later.

Finally, doctors shared that they had seen many patients die of AIDS in the end because they did not test or they did not know how to get tested early. Even in the United States, people still die of AIDS because they are not diagnosed early. Therefore, drugs and vaccines are just a strategy behind, and the more urgent thing to eliminate the HIV epidemic is to consider HIV testing as a standard that must be done every year. "When we have enough people tested early and treated early, we will have the opportunity to destroy it."