Wireless sensors help check bridge quality

Researchers at Clarkson University (USA) have introduced a new wireless sensor that helps check the quality of bridges.

Previously to monitor bridges, people often attached sensors along the bridge wall. However, they cannot pull the cord (to provide power) to the sensors because the bridge is very long. So they attach wireless sensors, along with battery packs.

Picture 1 of Wireless sensors help check bridge quality

The team is examining the data received from wireless surveillance sensors .

But this is also difficult because the sensors require regular battery replacement. The maintenance of sensors is also difficult because they are often installed in many different locations, usually the positions where maintenance is difficult to reach and located far away from each other, making it difficult to maintain.

This new type of wireless sensor is fixed on the bridge. They do not use batteries, only use the energy generated by the vibration of the bridge to continuously monitor parameters such as the flow on the bridge, the condition of the bridge .

According to the researchers, people can use this wireless sensor for decades without maintenance.