Women 'smell' is man's desire

Picture 1 of Women 'smell' is man's desire Bright eyes, impulsive words, fresh smiles are signs that men want to catch the attention of a certain girl and women can also realize this unconsciously, through the smell. their sweat.

Many scientists believe that, like animals, humans have a group of chemicals called pheromones to signal emotionally to the opposite sex. But we cannot determine the characteristics of pheromones and how to feel them, so this is still controversial and less well-understood.

Sweat is one of the means for the body to take pheromones out. Denise Chen, Ph.D. of Rice University (USA) and colleagues conducted an experiment to understand women's reactions to men's sweat patterns. They predict that if people release and respond to sex pheromone in sweat, women will feel the difference between the sweat of men when they want to attract female attention with sweat. common situations.

The team invited 20 men and 19 women of various ages to participate in the trial. They asked the men to stop using deodorants and perfumes for several days. After attaching small sponges to the armpits to collect sweat, volunteers were allowed to watch a sex movie. After that, volunteers attached new sponge pads to collect sweat in normal situations.

The team asked 19 women to sniff out sponges and use magnetic resonance imaging to monitor activity in their brains. Magnetic resonance imaging allows scientists to detect both brain's unconscious activities.

Denise sees women's brains respond differently to two types of sweat. The right prefrontal area and the right rhombic area on the cerebral cortex are activated when they smell sweat that men secretly watch when watching sex movies. However, they do not work when women smell sweat that men secrete in normal situations.

The findings reinforce Denise's earlier assumption that human beings actually communicate unconsciously through chemical signals. In other words, our sexual desires will be evident if someone invents a pheromone detector. But without that machine, a woman's brain could still recognize the guys who liked her through the smell of sweat.