Wood is more precious than gold, seedlings are cheap, but why doesn't anyone want to plant it?

A golden nanmu tree costs as much as several mansions, it is extremely rare but no merchant wants to invest in planting it, why is that?

In the deep ravine, there is a magical wood known as the 'treasure in the forest'the golden nanmu. Its shape appears and disappears between the blue sky and the green land, like a hidden treasure of nature. The treasure is so precious that it is unbelievable – a golden nanmu tree can be sold for up to 240 million yuan (more than 800 billion VND).

The reason why the golden nanmu is called "treasure in the forest" is not because of its scarcity in the wood market but because of the unique mystery in the structure inside the trunk. Each golden nanmu tree is like an exquisite scroll painting of time, the lines inside are intertwined, like silk threads woven from gold, hence the name golden nanmu. This magical feature creates a unique decoration, making the golden nanmu unique in the wood market and a rare work of art.

This is not just a type of wood, but also a miracle of nature. It is said that each yellow nammu tree carries its own story, recording the sedimentation of time and the gentleness of the land. They grow in the mountains and forests, witnessing the movement of time, leaving behind unique internal rough streaks, like the memories recorded by the heart of the tree.

Picture 1 of Wood is more precious than gold, seedlings are cheap, but why doesn't anyone want to plant it?
Yellow nanmu wood is also known as "the emperor's wood". (Illustration: Internet).

This mysterious beauty also means a kind of value. The development of yellow nammu requires the nourishment of time and the care of nature. Each tree is like a sentinel, quietly watching over its territory, until the rough spots inside form, emitting a charming light.

So when people see a yellow nanmu tree, they don't just see a kind of wood, but also the magic of nature and the accumulation of time. This unique beauty makes the value of yellow nanmu wood expensive, no longer surprising.

Picture 2 of Wood is more precious than gold, seedlings are cheap, but why doesn't anyone want to plant it?
Yellow Nanmu mainly grows in subtropical humid valleys and riverbanks at an altitude of 1,000 to 1,500 meters, growing in Sichuan, western Hubei, Yunnan, Guizhou and the provinces south of the Yangtze River in China. (Photo: Internet).

Golden Nanmu is not only beautiful but also rare. This tree grows slowly, like a hermit of nature, they choose to grow quietly in deep mountains and old forests. It takes decades, even hundreds of years, for the golden threads inside to gradually form. This is not only wood but also a testament to time, a miracle that cannot be copied.

The price of yellow nanmu wood is extremely high, but the price of yellow nanmu seedlings is surprisingly low, only a dozen yuan (more than 30,000 VND) , while better quality seedlings only cost about 100 yuan (more than 300,000 VND).

But the question is, with such cheap seedlings and such precious and expensive wood, why doesn't anyone grow golden nanmu? The answer is that growing golden nanmu is not easy . The growth cycle of golden nanmu is extremely long , and it is not an investment that will yield results overnight. Due to its special wood texture and internal grain formation, golden nanmu takes decades, even hundreds of years to reach maturity. Waiting for a small sapling to turn into a shining golden gem takes a lot of time and effort.

During the long growth cycle, growers may face many unexpected events such as extreme weather, natural disasters. that affect the development of yellow nanmu, even causing damage. The process of growing trees is full of uncertainty and high risks, so few traders are willing to invest on a large scale. Therefore, this rare wood becomes even rarer.