Yawning is one of the biggest mysteries of humans

Why are we yawning? What effect does that action have?

Everyone must yawn. Both you, your parents, or cat "boss", your dog "boss". All yawned. We cannot resist or resist it. Simply yawn. And that yawn has existed since the time when humans appeared.

But why are we yawning?

It is not until now that people have been wondering about that, and in the past, we had some theories about it.

Around 400 BC, philosopher Hippocrates once thought that yawning was a state of releasing toxic air from the lungs, before we were sick. By the 17th and 18th centuries, doctors believed that yawning increased the amount of oxygen in the blood, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, and helped blood flow stronger.

And most recently, the hypothesis is leaning on the idea of ​​yawning to help the brain cool down. This means that if the outside temperature is hotter, the yawning frequency will increase.

Picture 1 of Yawning is one of the biggest mysteries of humans
Everyone yawned.

But despite the numerous assumptions, the truth is that science still cannot touch its true nature. What is the reason we yawn? What science knows is that all animals are yawning, and they yawn when they feel tired, or they may be threatening other species.

In addition, there is an interesting point - that is, especially in high-community species like chimpanzees, bonobo monkeys, yellow-tailed monkeys, wolves, and even humans.

It means that seeing someone yawning accidentally causes you to yawn more. The reason given is because at that time, our brain was activated with sympathetic parts and social interaction.

And even yawning spreads from one species to another.

The species we want to say here are people and dog bosses. In 2011, an experiment in the UK showed at least 5 out of 19 dogs participated in the yawning experiment with humans, even though the person did not know anything about it. By 2013, another larger-scale study added that result, that dogs tend to yawn more if they see their owners do so.

Picture 2 of Yawning is one of the biggest mysteries of humans
Seeing people yawn makes the dog feel more stressed, so they yawn to reduce.

The reason for this spread has not been clarified yet. Some experts from the University of Nebraska think it is related to cortisol levels : seeing people yawn makes the dog feel more stressed, so they yawn to reduce. However, subsequent studies do not show any evidence of relevance.

But in short, you need to understand that yawning is one of the most mysterious . phenomena of humans. We always yawned without understanding what the reason for doing that, could not resist.