Discover the first Bible with illustrations

People have just found the first ancient Bible book illustrated in a remote monastery in Ethiopia. This is also one of the oldest Bibles people have ever known.

Picture 1 of Discover the first Bible with illustrations
This extraordinary artifact is kept in a monastery located in northern Ethiopia.
(Photo: Daily Mail).

This special ' Gospel of Garima ' book is named after Abba Garima, a missionary who has traveled to Africa to evangelize in the fifth century. Legend has it that Garima copied the entire Bible only in one day thanks to God made the sun set very late.

The Garima Gospel is kept in Garima monastery in Adwa, in northern Ethiopia. The existence of the book until today is thought to be a miracle when it overcame the destruction of two wars of aggression by Muslims and Italians as well as the fire that destroyed the monastery. Garima in the 30s of the last century.

The book is written on goat parchment in ancient Ethiopian language . The entire book consists of 2 volumes with the same date however, the second volume seems to be written with another person. Both volumes have illustrations and four Gospels.

Radiological tests show that the book dates back to the years 330 - 650 . This is also the time that Abba went to Africa to evangelize.

So many people believe that the first book found in the book may have been copied by Abba, even if he could not finish it in one day as folk legends still tell.

Picture 2 of Discover the first Bible with illustrations
A page in the oldest Bible in the world with illustrations.
(Photo: Daily Mail).

Blair Priday, an expert at the Ethiopian Heritage Foundation, said: 'The pages were sketchily intertwined during a renovation in the 1960s and some pages were unable to recover .'

' However, the Gospel of Garima has been kept in a high and dry place to help them be preserved for many years. In addition, they are kept in the dark to make the colors look fresh . '

' All the work of word processing is complete and in the future if they are taken away to carry out further conservation measures, we think there will be no obstacles ,' Priday said. .

In the coming time, the Gospel of Garima will be brought into the museum at the monastery so that visitors can admire this unique booklet.