Discover the mummy mask containing the oldest Bible copy

New Canadian scientists have discovered a mask for mummies made from papyrus paper that may be hiding the oldest copy of a bible.

This mask was made from the pages of Mark's gospel, a Bible written in the first century AD.

Picture 1 of Discover the mummy mask containing the oldest Bible copy
The mask was made from papyrus paper that copied the gospel.(Source: Australia Museum)

According to experts, compared to the oldest Gospels still preserved today, this Gospel textbook dates back more than a century.

The contents of the sutra will be obtained by a special technique that separates the patches on the mask without affecting the ink strokes. However, the restoration of this Bible also means destroying the mask.

Mummies of Egyptian Pharaohs often wear yellow masks to show wealth. However, those in the lower class will be buried with a mask made of papyrus with pictures. But since papyrus was very expensive at the time, they often re-used paper that had written words to make masks.

Picture 2 of Discover the mummy mask containing the oldest Bible copy
The use of written paper to mask mummies is very popular with people in the lower class, when paper is still an expensive item.(Source: Corbis)

Scientists at Acadia Divinity College in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada, are taking off the mask of the mask to restore the Bible.

Craig Evans, a professor of the New Testament research group, said that this is part of the restoration of ancient texts from the first, second and third centuries used as masks for mummies.

While many scholars criticize this restoration, Professor Evans argues that the mask is not qualified to be a museum exhibit, but contains hidden characters. .

Mark's Gospel is the second and the shortest book in the New Testament. Many scholars think this is the earliest Gospel book and written by an anonymous author.

In his book, Mark recounts the life of Jesus from being baptized to death and buried and disappeared in the grave.

Jesus is described as a hero, an exorcist, a healer and a miracle bearer.

Picture 3 of Discover the mummy mask containing the oldest Bible copy
Some scholars object to destroying the mask to get the scribbled pieces of paper, but the team thinks the mask is not qualified to be a museum display.(Source: Alamy)

Along with studying other texts used to make masks, scientists also dated the Gospel pages by dating carbon and lettering. They believe the book was written before 90 AD.

However, when the entire writing is restored, they will gain more information.

Researchers believe these pieces of paper will indicate whether Mark's gospel changes for centuries.

Professor Evans was very interested in learning how long papyrus books were used before being used as masks, as this would reveal how copies were copied.

"We have every reason to believe that the first manuscripts and their copies may have existed for about 100 years, or even 200 years," explained the professor.