Dreams and scientific explanations for phenomena appear in 4% of adults

There are many people who believe that sleepwalking is caused by "evil spirits" but the truth is not like that.

"Sleepwalking" - sleepwalking seems like a phenomenon that is not uncommon - but many sleepwalkers, others have not experienced this feeling once. Why is that?

Sleepwalking is a sleepless dream that cannot control its actions. They can completely walk, or operate while sleeping without knowing.

Picture 1 of Dreams and scientific explanations for phenomena appear in 4% of adults
Sleepwalking is a sleepless dream that cannot control its actions.

According to recent research by Stanford University, 4% of adults have experienced that unconscious. The estimated number of sleepwalkers is increasing when overuse of sleeping pills .

Often, sleepwalking is considered harmless. But sometimes, they are extremely dangerous because sleepwalkers can hurt themselves unconsciously.

Typically, an English young woman jumped out of the window from the bedroom and fell from a height of 8m in 2009. More horribly, Kenneth Parks - a Toronto woman who drove 23km while sleeping and even assassinating her mother-in-law in 1987.

So why do people fall into such a scary state during sleep?

Research suggests that sleepwalking is the result of the formation of false mechanisms in the nervous system.

"Sleepwalking" is no longer the most suitable phrase to use in those situations. Because at this time, our brain has not completely switched to alert.

Picture 2 of Dreams and scientific explanations for phenomena appear in 4% of adults
The medial brain is the place to create memory, control emotions and link complex activities in the cortex.

The medial brain is the place to create memory, control emotions and link complex activities in the cortex. This is also the place to maintain vaguely misleading activities between sleep and alertness.

This is demonstrated by the recorded "alpha wave" patterns when measuring EEG. At the same time, the frontal lobes and temporal lobes do not perform the typical functions that keep us stuck in a vicious cycle.

So "why are we stuck in such a chaotic state?" Is it really good if the brain completely falls into a coma and does not give us a complete sleep?

According to scientists, from thousands of generations, our ancestors attach great importance to choosing a safe and comfortable resting place. They must always watch out for dangers lurking when sleeping.

When a person rests in a new environment but not his home, scientists discover an interesting thing. That's half of the hemisphere of our brain that will work harder than the rest. This helps maintain the "alert" regime, and the reaction to danger will come.

When awakening activities in the brain hemming system occur, sleepwalking will also appear.

Picture 3 of Dreams and scientific explanations for phenomena appear in 4% of adults
Location of the movement area on the cortex (motor cortex).

Such awakening activities will be maintained at low frequency, which is seen as a characteristic to show the adaptation and survival of all species.

According to Italian sleep researcher, Lino Nobili, during sleep, we can activate the motor system in the cortex.

Although you have fallen asleep and do not "move" , this area is always in a ready state. If danger occurs, the frontal lobe will not work immediately to create a shield for you because this is the responsibility of the motor system. This will trigger false and unnecessary "defense" mechanisms.