Experts talk about the danger of eating ice cream in hot weather

If eating ice cream quickly, there will be strong cooling in the upper respiratory tract. That threatens the development of acute respiratory diseases.

It is a warning from the main non-permanent expert of the Moscow Metropolitan Health Department on primary health care for the adult population, Mr. Andrei Tyzhenikov, when talking to Sputnik.

'The situation is exacerbated by the sharp drop in temperature: the body is hot by high temperatures, and the cold ice to eat causes more stress in the body,' said Tyazhelnikov.

Picture 1 of Experts talk about the danger of eating ice cream in hot weather
Cream should be eaten slowly and eaten when slightly melted.

Mr. Tyazhelnikov also said that ice cream should be eaten slowly and eaten when slightly melted, drinks should also take small sips.

'In hot weather, it is preferable to give white water, juice, tea, as well as lemon juice, ' Tyazhelnikov advised.

Previously, experts also issued warnings when eating ice cream in hot weather. Specifically, when eating ice cream on hot sunny days, it will make the body very cold suddenly. This is because it is recommended not to drink ice cream or to eat cold ice cream in the summer because it is more likely to have sore throat, sore throat and possibly a cold in the middle of summer .

Worth mentioning, cold ice contained in ice cream is not something to refresh. Because in addition to milk, cream contains a lot of sugar, fat and different colors, so instead of helping the body cool down, they also increase body temperature.

In order to reduce the cost of producing ice cream, people often add in some cream of palm oil. This oil is especially difficult to digest in the hot season and should not be used for young children or people with liver, gallbladder and pancreas problems.

In particular, eating cold ice cream can also affect ' bad' to your teeth, especially if you have finished eating and eating hot food immediately.

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