Getting sick through personality

If you're an impulsive person, your biggest danger is stomach ulcers. If you are hostile, aggressive and impatient, you should be alert to heart disease.

Why is personality still increasing resistance to disease and infection to people? The following are the links between personality and illness, given by American experts.


The obvious risk of this personality is that you are prone to accidents, but their greatest danger is actually stomach ulcers. Researchers at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health have investigated more than 4,000 people and found that those who have impulsivity are 2.4 times more likely to develop stomach ulcers. They argue that these people, when stressed, produce higher amounts of acid, leading to ulceration of the digestive system. Also impulsiveness also makes people less control in eating.


One of the most astonishing results is that happy people are easy to die soon.

Children who are judged by their parents and teachers to be happy, have a sense of humor, die earlier than others, researchers at the University of California said. While before it was thought that humor and joy were related to longevity.

One hypothesis is that happy people often disregard risks in life and also cope less when things don't happen as they want.


People with anxiety disorders are 3 times more likely to have high blood pressure. Research at Northern Arizona University, USA, found that stress hormone is the cause.

Meanwhile, women with obsession with fear, such as fear of heights, increase the likelihood of heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.


People with aggressive and hostile attitudes are more prone to a series of heart problems. Research on 2,000 men and women in Scotland has shown that people with arteriosclerosis are hostile.

In addition, aggressive people also increase the likelihood of developing infections of the body. The reason may be because they have a high level of immune protein related to higher inflammation.

Another theory is that enemies are more likely to react to stress, so they increase blood pressure and heart rate, leading to a corrosive effect on the cardiovascular system.

Hot guys also take longer to recover from wounds. They are also at risk for severe depression.


People who are afraid of communication are more likely to get viral infections. In animal studies at the University of California, USA, scientists found that the pleasurable animals had higher lymphatic counts than the shy group. Lymph is part of the immune system that helps destroy infectious germs.


Those who always look at the positive side of the problem will live longer than 7.5 years on average compared to those who always see life with dark eyes. The risk of dying from illness also decreased by 55% in optimistic people.

One hypothesis is that optimism promotes the will of people to live. In addition, sociable sociability also reduces cortisol stress hormones.

Optimists are also less vulnerable and suffer from chronic pain.

Emotional stress

People who are melancholy or depressed by controlling emotions will increase the risk of heart disease and cancer. And once they have cardiovascular disease, they will die soon.

Researchers at Harvard University, USA, said that these people have hormones that control poor stress, leading to increased heart rate, increased blood pressure and tightened blood vessels - damaging the cardiovascular system. These people are also susceptible to inflammation that leads to vascular damage.

Dedicated, thoughtful

This personality has the greatest impact on life expectancy. It helps maintain blood pressure and good cholesterol levels. Dedicated people also avoid risks and perform healthy behaviors.

Easy to get excited

These people are prone to headaches, asthma, stomach ulcers and heart disease. Researchers at the University of California, USA, said that this group of people often respond poorly to bad situations, or blame themselves and become hostile, instead of seeking support and support. Therefore, they are more prone to stress, weaken the immune system and increase their chances of getting sick.


Like optimists, they will have less heart disease, 15% less. They also get better faster, have fewer infections.

The reason is that they know how to cope with stress better and know how to seek help when needed. However, a restriction for these people is that they are more likely to be obese, due to socializing, they should eat a lot.


Those who always see the worst will increase their chances of dying early compared to those who are optimistic. They also increase their chances of getting Alzheimer's disease when they get old.