Great mosque and Divrigi Hospital - Turkey

Unesco's Scientific, Educational and Cultural Organization has recognized the great mosque and Turkish Divrigi Hospital as a World Cultural Heritage in 1985.

Great Mosque and Divrigi Hospital - World Cultural Heritage in Turkey

The great mosque and Divrigi Hospital are located in Eastern Anatalia, in the Divrigi mountains of Turkey. This is a medieval architectural complex founded by Chief Ahmet Mengucekid Shah of Turkey between 1228 and 1229.

Picture 1 of Great mosque and Divrigi Hospital - Turkey

Both buildings are designed and supervised by talented architect Khuramshad Dahlat . There is a large chapel in the chapel, also the only chapel of the church. The prayer room with 5 lobes with dome is built with a great technique. This construction technique is still surprising to the current architects. Above the chapel there were two large, small spherical roofs, one roof above the baptismal tank and the other with the main cast on the alcove decorated towards Mecca . The tower placed on this roof is the most complete architectural part of the cathedral. The dome is designed extremely impressive and is calculated in detail to be able to get natural light but still shield and protect the interior interior against the harsh climate of the region. The whole outside the mosque is shaped like a hexagon.

Picture 2 of Great mosque and Divrigi Hospital - Turkey Overall outside of the adjacent structure of the Great Mosque and Hospital Divrigi

Divrigi Hospital is located adjacent to the large mosque. The hospital has splendid architecture from the walled exterior with 3 sophisticated decorative gates. The gates are ornately decorated according to the floral motifs and geometry of Acmeni and Georgia today.

Picture 3 of Great mosque and Divrigi Hospital - Turkey

Just like the church building technique, the hospital construction technique is extremely special, demonstrating the extremely high technical level of the workers thousands of years ago. The walls are not decorated and the decorative walls are intertwined to create a harmonious and beautiful whole. The variety of decorative motifs also makes people admire the creativity of the old craftsmen. Most decorative patterns of columns, roofs or walls are not duplicated but have separate ideas but still connect with each other. Flower and geometric figures are the patterns of different fields that are also calculated to be connected perfectly. The decorative details at this architectural work are still quite intact and it is still a research topic of many experts from fine arts to geometry, from painting to sculpture .

Picture 4 of Great mosque and Divrigi Hospital - Turkey The architecture and dome design are extremely unique and sophisticated

It can be said that this heritage is the pride of the Turks because of the unique in construction techniques as well as the diversity in design and decoration. Currently, these two adjacent buildings are one of the most important sightseeing destinations in Turkey.

Picture 5 of Great mosque and Divrigi Hospital - Turkey

The great mosque and Divrigi Hospital of Turkey are recognized by the Unesco as a World Cultural Heritage by criteria (i) and (iv).

Criterion (i): The great mosque and Divrigi Hospital are an important cultural property, one of the unique artistic achievements and a beautiful architecture of Islamic architecture.

Criterion (iv): The great mosque and Divrigi Hospital are a prominent example of Seljuk cathedral in Asia Minor. The church was built without a yard with columns and corridors, a large chapel and a dome designed with extremely sophisticated techniques. Besides, the adjacent architecture is a hospital that shows the splendor from the exterior exterior and the sophistication to detail clearly reflected in the carvings, decoration of the outer wall and three gates .

Picture 6 of Great mosque and Divrigi Hospital - Turkey

Picture 7 of Great mosque and Divrigi Hospital - Turkey

Picture 8 of Great mosque and Divrigi Hospital - Turkey

Picture 9 of Great mosque and Divrigi Hospital - Turkey Finely engraved outside Divrigi hospital, the floral and geometric patterns were designed to be extremely harmonious and lively.