Japan introduced the robot self-expression and reaction to the environment

Equipped with a range of sensors, 42 pneumatic actuators and an "artificial neural center , " the Alter robot has the ability to automatically analyze ambient characteristics such as humidity, temperature, distance to objects to provide appropriate facial expressions and facial expressions. Developed by researchers in Japan, the robot is being located at the Japan Science Museum and is considered as a new stepping stone of Japanese robot technology in particular and the world in general.

Although it is still far from perfect to be as human, but when looking at Alter's ability to work we can not help feeling that this is one of the most human-like human identity from the past. hours. Even sometimes scary. The development team said the Alter robot project was initiated to create a bridge between programming a robot for it to move and its ability to make a decision.

Picture 1 of Japan introduced the robot self-expression and reaction to the environment
Alter robot.

By using artificial neural networks , the team allowed Alter to move his hands, head and posture on his own. Although the movements are currently quite chaotic due to the complexity of the environment, many of the commands are overlapped, but generally the movements are very flexible and detailed. Coordinated skillfully from facial expressions, eyes to fingers.

Professor Ikeue at the University of Tokyo, who led the research team, said the neural network-based pattern detector in Alter acts as "pendulum pendulum" , which helps to form a smooth chain of motions. tru. " Alter is not like humans, it does not move like humans, but it is more human," said Kouhei Ogawa, a researcher at the University of Osaka . It seems random and meaningless, but it's really a new step. "