Rabbits don't have ears

In a rabbit's cage of a teenager He has a son that stands out better because of the strange characteristic of the lack of characteristic long ears.

John Haig lived with his mother at Burn, England's North Yorkshire county and raised rabbits since he was 11 years old. John found the rabbit not ear when visiting a 3-week-old herd of a female rabbit named Rossie. At first John thought that a scene mouse had mistakenly entered a young rabbit cage. However, it is a completely healthy rabbit.

John called the earless rabbit Vincent to commemorate Van Gogh - the genius artist cut his ears. John's mother said the lack of ears could be the result of a genetic defect. Another theory is that the mother rabbit has bitten off her ears. Many rabbit farmers have witnessed bunny biting a baby when they are in a stressful situation.

Picture 1 of Rabbits don't have ears

Vincent's rabbit is quite like a scene mouse.

Picture 2 of Rabbits don't have ears

Vincent and his mother. Mother Rossie lays 11 children, including an earless rabbit.

Picture 3 of Rabbits don't have ears

John Haig and his earless Vincent rabbit