Some points to keep in mind when raising rabbits

Raising rabbits has many advantages due to low investment costs, making use of agricultural by-products, idle labor, and extra labor. Rabbits are healthy and fast growing. A mother weighing 4 - 5kg in a year can produce 90-140 kg of meat, much higher efficiency than other livestock.

Picture 1 of Some points to keep in mind when raising rabbits

Basically, rabbits are easy to raise, but to raise rabbits with high efficiency, attention should be paid to the following issues:

1. The problem of food and water for rabbits

Due to the characteristics of the rabbit's stomach is good elasticity but weak contraction. The caecum is large and capable of digesting the fiber through the microbiota. Therefore, it is necessary to give rabbits a good quality of raw green food to meet the nutritional needs of rabbits and to prevent hunger and ensure normal digestive physiology. Green roughage for rabbits must be washed with tap water or well water. Leafy vegetables have a large amount of water such as cabbage, sweet potatoes ., after washing, they need to re-dry the water before feeding them.

Giving poor rabbits with fiber or foods high in water, foods that are not fresh or brittle can easily lead to digestive disorders such as bloating bloating or diarrhea and rabbits can die.

It should be noted that rabbits that lack water are more dangerous than lack of food, especially for laying rabbits and milk production. Do not provide adequate drinking water for rabbits leading to a lack of milk or even rabbits who eat baby rabbit meat. During the breeding period, give the mother rabbit more sugar water or eat sugarcane to quickly recover her body, produce more milk and herd grow well.

2. Reproduction of rabbits

Depending on the breed, rabbits can become sexually mature at 3 - 4 months of age. To prevent biting and mating, leading to weight loss or reproductive disorders, when rabbits are 3 months old, male rabbits and female rabbits should be confined separately.

It is not recommended to breed rabbits as soon as the first rabbits have sex and should wait until 5-6 months of age, when rabbits reach 75-80% of the weight of mature rabbits. For breeding before 5 months of age, the offspring will be weak and at the same time adversely affect the growth and development of the parents.

Due to the characteristics of rabbits, eggs only fall after mating 9-10 hours, in fact, in order to increase the number of fertilized eggs and increase the number of offspring, it is recommended to apply additional breeding methods, ie remixes the second time after the first time from 6 to 9 hours.

When breeding rabbits, it is also important to make sure that the female rabbits come to the cage of the male rabbits without doing the opposite, because when the rabbit is strange it is difficult to get used to the female rabbits and the female rabbits are often resistant to male rabbits.

To avoid congestion, do not let male rabbits mate with female rabbits with your family.

3. Problems of making cages and rabbit cages

Need to make rabbit cages. Rabbit cages are sure to be sure, rabbits do not crawl, avoid rats attack and take care of it conveniently.

Must make a nest with a cover for rabbits. After the rabbits give birth, each day, they should only be placed in the cage of the mother rabbit once to breastfeed, avoiding the phenomenon of mother bunnies getting into the urinary hole, digging into the nest and stepping on the cubs.

Rabbits are animals that are sensitive to external agents. Rabbits have less sweat glands under the skin, the body exhausts heat mainly through the respiratory tract. When the air temperature rises above 35 degrees Celsius and lasts, rabbits are very susceptible to colds. Due to these characteristics, rabbit cages need to be placed in cool, cool locations in summer and warm in winter.

In the case of large-scale rabbit breeding, it is necessary to build cages carefully. Stables must be airy and easy to clean. In the case of raising rabbits on a family scale, it is possible to place cages under shade trees in the garden and the head of the house, with roofs to protect against rain, sun and wind. Do not place rabbit cages in pigsty or chicken coop, both suffocating, stinking, and easy to spread disease.

4. Problems of hygiene and treatment

Rabbits are weak animals, have poor body resistance, are susceptible to pathogens and develop into epidemics. In order to minimize economic losses due to diseases, it is very important to raise rabbits to create a hygienic environment in the breeding facilities and strict compliance with preventive measures. Specifically, daily cleaning of cages and cages is necessary; periodic disinfection of cages, pens, feeding troughs, drinking troughs, breeding grounds; It is necessary to provide rabbits with clean and good quality food and water.

Rabbit diseases often suffer from hemorrhage, scabies, coccidiosis . .v. How to use drugs to prevent and treat these diseases is as follows:

- For hemorrhage: Get vaccinated to prevent blood loss for young rabbits at 2 months of age. For rabbits breeding, inject once every 6 months.

- For scabies:
Treatment: Use Ivermectin 0.7 ml / 3 kg body weight or use Dextomax 0.1 ml / 3 kg body weight.

- For coccidiosis:
Prevention: hygiene and disinfection of breeding facilities. Using Anticoc and HanE3 drugs by 1/2 of treatment.
Treatment of diseases: Anticoc, HanE3: 0.1-0.2g / kg body weight.