Amazing things from ears

According to the researchers, if you say affectionate, cooing, you should visit the lover's left ear, the effect will be higher. If you want to say something to let him remember, whisper in the right ear.

Other wonderful things about ears that you don't know yet

Bone "listen" sound

You will be hard to believe but true, bones are capable of "listening" to sounds. Scientists have discovered, in the ear hidden 3 small bones of the bones are the bones, anvil and stapes . They all play a role in the body's physiological stimulation. In it, pedal bones are the most important. It is very small, like a roof blow, not visible to the naked eye, only clearly seen by a microscope, in medicine called "hearing" bone.

Picture 1 of Amazing things from ears

Any bone in the 3 bones in the ear, especially the "hearing" bone that causes illness will also affect the ability to transmit sound and interfere with hearing, more serious will lead to deafness . Regular physical training and improvement of disease resistance will make the " hearing" bone healthier and better hearing.

Hearing ability is also "important for men and women"

According to research by some US scientists on ear, nose and throat, ears of healthy people can distinguish more than 40,000 different types of sounds. But this discriminatory capacity is related to gender and age . Comparison shows: Men's ears are more sensitive and flexible than women's ears . Men distinguish 60% of different sounds, only 28% of women can distinguish.

Some people believe that women who are familiar with housework should be sensitive and very sensitive to the sounds of the house. But in fact only 16% of women distinguish the sound of barrels, pots, butter pipes, while 4 out of 10 men immediately hear and distinguish these sounds immediately. One in five men listens and discovers the impact of spoons, bowls and plates while only 4% of women can. Similarly, 94% of men can hear the noise of a vacuum cleaner, but only three-quarters of women can distinguish it.

Experiment also said that age is also a factor affecting hearing ability. When distinguishing between closing and opening languages, nearly 4 children out of 10 immediately hear and distinguish this sound, while only 2 out of 10 people over 40 have that ability.

If you want to be cooing, cuddle, say in your left ear

Researchers said that if it was a girl who told the boy, she should visit the left ear, which would be more effective. The American physiologists have revealed the secret: Whether it is a boy or a girl, the left ear likes to listen to the sweeter words, especially when listening to the lover speak again and more easily. According to scientists, the human left ear is controlled by the right brain , which is more dominant in emotional processing. The study also demonstrates that the reaction of the left ear with sound stimuli is also more sensitive, including listening to harmonies and musical rhythms.

Picture 2 of Amazing things from ears

But, if you want your opponent to hear and remember your important words, you should do the opposite, go to their right ear . People hear with the right ear, the memory is firm and longer than the left ear. The information that is heard from the right ear will integrate into the left hemisphere (with more memory advantages).

Big ears are blessed

A Russian scientist has drawn a conclusion that draws attention: Human creativity and ear level are closely related. People with big, long and charming ears should feel proud and happy.

In the study, scientists have discovered: The small size of the human ears is always different, only 2-3 mm in length, width and thickness but also enough to pass the ears to judge Guess which area of ​​his brain is the most developed. It can also be used as a basis for consideration and natural judgment of children in the field of knowledge. Mustafan, a Russian researcher, said: "People with right ears are particularly long," he said. aspects of humanities and social sciences.

For a long time, the saying " big ears have happiness " is circulating not only in Asia but also in some European countries. For example, in ancient English, the word big ears means "gentleman ". And Buddhists always keep in mind, one of the "blessed generals" of the Sakyamuni Buddha is the drooping ear.

Research shows that normally, the longer the life, the bigger the ear, the longer the ear lobe (earlobe). This phenomenon is related to the developmental specificity of the ear: the extremities and internal organs (mammals in general) always grow with time at different speeds but when they reach a certain age, they stopping without further development, having only the ears is an exception, continuing to grow throughout life until death. Thus, people who live long life must have big ears. But, people with big ears are born with longevity or not, but there is no scientific reason.

According to Western media, on the point of generality, the ears of Russian President Vladimir Putin show that he is not as cold as he looks. The warmth of the ears shows that he is a great healthy person and knows how to listen to others. Putin's ear shows the ability to be confident, responsive, assertive and aesthetic, music.

Ears is evidence

Many studies have proved that in the world almost no ears are completely alike , the right ear, each person's left ear is different. Just like hands, ears, lips, eyes, human ears also have a pattern . An American has invented a type of camera dedicated to taking pictures of human earlobes. With this photographic technique, it is easier to get earmarks than to get fingerprints, but the reliability in helping the police to solve is no less. Currently, the California state police department, the US archives have kept documents of thousands of American and immigrant ears into the United States.

An Australian thief before going into the house dropped his ear on the window to listen to the situation inside, not expecting the earmark to remain on the door. This trace was taken by police against the records of the suspected suspects, making him indisputable. Since then, the ear is one of the evidence of human condition.

Do men not want to hear women say?

In life, many wives often complain that their husbands do not want to listen to them. According to some researchers, this is unjustly for men because in many situations, for the wife's words, the husband is not unwilling to hear but as a reflex of inertia of men: Every time Hearing women say they feel certain "difficulties ". And so, men may need to be more sympathetic and forgiving.

Recently, a group of British scientists has published the results of a research project: Men who receive women's sounds are more difficult than receiving sounds of other people of the same sex.