Interesting facts about ears most people don't know

The earlobe has characteristics to identify a person like a fingerprint; If you have a cross, you may have coronary artery disease, according to Brightside.

Picture 1 of Interesting facts about ears most people don't know
Ears can serve for identification purposes.When you are born, your ears are perfect.They do not change, although the earlobe is a little smaller.Therefore, the ears are the characteristics of identifying a person exactly like fingerprints.

Picture 2 of Interesting facts about ears most people don't know
Conjoined earlobes (directly attached to one side of the head) are considered recessive genes. Non-conjoined earlobes (earlobes longer than the connection point to the head) are considered characteristics of dominant genes.

Picture 3 of Interesting facts about ears most people don't know
If the earlobe has a cross, it is more likely that you have coronary artery disease.

Picture 4 of Interesting facts about ears most people don't know
If your ear is pale, your body is deficient in vitamins and calcium.

Picture 5 of Interesting facts about ears most people don't know
Red ears show you have kidney problems.The ears are dark red, you may have dementia, frequent headaches, brain problems.

Picture 6 of Interesting facts about ears most people don't know
Infection of the ear cartilage is a sign of recurrent polyarthritis.

Picture 7 of Interesting facts about ears most people don't know
The reflex of the ear is as sensitive as the reflexes of the arms or legs in reducing stress and pain.There are more than 200 acupuncture points on the ear that connect to many different organs and musculoskeletal systems in the body.Clicking on acupuncture points on this part can cure many diseases, including physical and mental illness.

Picture 8 of Interesting facts about ears most people don't know
Diagram of acupuncture points on the ear also corresponds to the position of the parts of the body in the fetal position.

Picture 9 of Interesting facts about ears most people don't know
An acupuncture diagram has a lot of stimulating points, you can learn how to massage them to handle simple problems like headaches, aches and pains.For more serious illnesses, you can go to an acupuncturist for advice.