Scientists confirm that the

So it is clear! Experts have officially confirmed there is a planet capable of sustaining life and it is extremely close to Earth.

Since launching into space in 2009, the Kepler probe of the US Aerospace Agency (NASA) has discovered more than 4,000 planets outside the solar system. Among them, 216 Earth-like planets are in the Goldilocks Zone, an area with a suitable temperature around a star, allowing liquid water to exist. However, these planets are thousands of light years from Earth and are completely out of human reach, according to

Picture 1 of Scientists confirm that the
The life-matching planet revolves around Proxima Centauri dwarfs very close to Earth.(Photo: Pixabay).

Using a reflecting telescope at the Southern European Observatory (ESO) in Germany, astronomers discovered a life-matching planet orbiting Proxima Centauri , a small red dwarf just away from the Face. It's about 4.2 light-years. This is the planet that can survive the closest life to the Earth, meaning humans can go to this planet.

With a distance of 4.2 light-years, future generations of spacecraft can bring exploration robots to Proxima b . This could also be a new destination for travelers from Earth.

Scientists hope to discover Proxima more and find life. Proxima b is 5% closer to its star than Earth and only takes 11.2 days to complete an orbit. But because Proxima Centauri is much fainter than the Sun, the planet remains in the area that allows liquid water to exist on the surface and thus has suitable conditions to support the development of life.

However, Proxima b suffers from ultra-strong ultraviolet and X-rays emitted from its parent star, making the planet's habitat full of radioactivity.

Picture 2 of Scientists confirm that the
Scientists hope to discover Proxima more and find life.

Scientists are still not sure whether planets like Proxima can become habitable due to controversy over their ability to maintain the atmosphere and liquid water. They need further research to better understand the planet's atmosphere.

Proxima b was discovered through Doppler effect data collected by telescopes from the Southern European Space Research Agency from 2000 to 2014 and 2016, according to research results published yesterday. in Nature magazine. Doppler data allows scientists to study tiny movements around the parent star, resulting from planetary gravity orbiting the orbit.

To draw conclusions about the new planet, more than 30 researchers from different institutes and countries have to analyze the data over the years.

"Success in finding the closest planet outside the Solar System is the lifetime achievement, the result of the passion and dedication of many international researchers. We hope to find inspiration that will inspire Future generations will be looking for life on Proxima b, " said Dr. Guillem Anglada-Escude at Queen Mary University in London, England, who led the research.

"If further research confirms that the planetary atmosphere is suitable for life development, this may be one of the most important discoveries we have ever made. Proxima Centauri exists for longer periods of time. hundreds or thousands of times the Sun. Life on Proxima could evolve after the Sun died long, " said Dr. John Barnes of the Open University, UK, co-author of the study.