The bone fragments reveal the

Anthropologists have long not determined how much modern people are dealing with Neanderthals and when that happens. Currently, a 40,000-year-old fossil bone fossil in Romania has revealed both breeds that continue to "outside the border" in Europe, after exposure in the Middle East.

The discovery of fossils reveals the "alien love story" of modern people

DNA test results showed that the 40,000-year-old jaw bone fragment found in Romania belonged to a person whose genome contained between 4.8 and 11.3% of Neanderthal DNA.

Picture 1 of The bone fragments reveal the
The newly discovered 40,000-year-old jaw bone in Romania revealed blood ties with Neanderthals.(Photo: Daily Mail)

Neandertha is a distant relative, but genetically different from modern humans (Homo sapiens) and extinct long ago. This breed was spent moving from Africa to Europe and possibly Asia some 50,000 to 60,000 years ago.

Page reported, speaking at a conference held in New York (USA) of Biology of Genomes magazine, researcher of paleontological gene structure Qiaomei Fu stated, in the genealogy diagram, The owner of the neck bone fragment is related to the Neanderthals and is only 4 to 6 years apart.

Last year, Ms. Fu's team also discovered a 45,000-year-old human bone in Siberia and has now shown its obvious Neanderthal-like traits, such as superior teeth.

The new study has strengthened the speculation of other experts that the different strains of mating between modern and Neanderthals do not only take place in the Middle East as previously stated. In fact, the discovery implies, " foreign relations " took place shortly before the extinction of the Neanderthals, nearly 39,000 years ago.

Picture 2 of The bone fragments reveal the
Neanderthals and modern humans are thought to live in Europe at the same time, for about 5,400 years.(Artwork: Word Press)

Last year, a prestigious study by the University of Oxford (UK) discovered, Neanderthals and modern people lived in Europe at the same time for about 5,400 years. Experts say, Neanderthals disappear gradually at different times , instead of being abruptly eradicated by modern humans as previously conjectured.

The team used evidence obtained from 200 bone samples, a drawing of graphite and shells from 40 key archaeological sites in Europe, to prove two people who have lived overlapping for a long time. and created the first timetable to show when the last Neanderthals died.

And according to experts, because of living together for a long time, there is a lot of time for two people to interact and foreign relations . Professor Chris Stringer from the Museum of Natural History in London, England, said that the interbreeding interplay between modern and Neanderthals could take place shortly after small groups of modern people began to leave the country. Their African flavor was about 60,000 years ago.