10 buildings with huge volumes that people have ever moved

The challenge from transportation is not only in the terrible volume of buildings, but also in the structure of the construction, the difficulty of the road.

Huge buildings that people once moved

1. Shubert Art Theater - 2908 tons

The oldest theater in Minneapolis, with a volume of 2908 tons. Open from the 1910s, this place was used to perform comedy, film, music events. Later Shubert art theater was forced to close for a few years to refine the foundation. For this reason, the art theater Shubert is forced to move. Although the distance was only 1/4 mile from the original position, the transport was extremely difficult for 12 days, with the participation of 5 bulldozers, 100 excavators, along with 70 vehicles pushed a temporary "nail" to push the Shubert art theater . 0.25 miles away.

Picture 1 of 10 buildings with huge volumes that people have ever moved

However, the workers who participated in the event did not regret it, when the Shubert art theater was recognized as a world record in 1999 with the title: The heaviest project ever moved by humans. .

2. Montgomery Hotel - 4816 tons

Montgomery Hotel was opened in San Jose, California in 1911 and was once considered the perfect symbol of luxury . However, in 1990, the hotel was in danger of being removed to build another luxury building. A conflict occurred when the mayor of San Jose was determined to preserve the hotel, or would never have another project here. Finally, the architects decided to relocate the Montgomery hotel to satisfy the mayor's opinion and at the same time give way to build another project.

Picture 2 of 10 buildings with huge volumes that people have ever moved

With an amount of 4816 tons, plus a journey of up to 55 meters , Montgomery hotel transportation is much harder than Shubert art theater. According to the project's financial report, the cost of the entire Montgomery hotel transportation and repair project amounted to $ 8.5 million. In particular, the amount of money invested in transportation was 3 million dollars in 2000.

3. Cape Hatteras lighthouse - 4830 tons

With a volume of 4830 tons equivalent to the Montgomery Hotel, however, moving Cape Hatteras lighthouse is much more difficult because this aging project is 129 years old, and there is no bearing structure in the transport process. transfer . Even after receiving a huge $ 12 million funding from the National Park Service, even the most optimistic people think that moving this old lighthouse is impossible.

The final transport is still taking place. According to the insider's description, the lighthouse was placed on a temporary foundation, constructed from 400 tons of steel. During transport, both the lighthouse and temporary foundation will be moved along a built-up route to the destination. The hydrodynamic hammer system will push the building every 1.5 meters within 45 seconds to 1 minute. The entire process of transporting on the 884 meter path of the lighthouse took place over 3 days.

After the project was successful, the shipping team was awarded an Opal award from the leaders of the US construction ministry. This award is considered an "Oscar" award in the construction sector.

4. Building No. 51 Newark International Airport - 7400 tons

In order to upgrade the size of the airport, building No. 51 at the international airport - New Jersey city must be removed. However, because the city itself recognized the historical value of this building, the relocation of this building No. 51 was carried out.

Picture 3 of 10 buildings with huge volumes that people have ever moved

With the volume of 7400 tons, the relocation of this building took place extremely . within 5 months, with a total loss of 6 million dollars. Unlike the above buildings , building No. 51 must be cut into 3 parts : 2 sections with a weight of 1200 tons and a main part of 5000 tons. The main part of the building was placed on 176 trolley trucks, moving at a speed of 30.48 meters in 1 hour.

5. Fairmount Hotel - 1600 tons

Another hotel in the city of San Antonio was also placed in immigration. Working in 1906 and once considered "the jewel of San Antonio " , the Fairmount hotel is also at risk of being removed because it is located on the street of the big shopping street. finally in 1985, under the drastic protection of the San Antonio Historic Preservation Council, the Fairmount Hotel was relocated.

Picture 4 of 10 buildings with huge volumes that people have ever moved

To carry out the transport, the engineers lifted the entire building 1600 tons up from the foundation, placing it on 36 trolley with pneumatic tires . A crane system is installed to push the building every 15 meters . During transportation, the Fairmount hotel must pass through the Market Street bridge. At this time, the architects had to outsource the bridge to increase the bearing capacity of the bridge. There is even a joke that it was the transportation team that put . 3 bottles of beer under the bridge. If three bottles of beer break, that means the bridge is unable to bear the weight of the hotel.

6. GEM Theater - 2700 tons

The move of the GEM theater is a problem of challenging architects than moving the works on due to the GEM theater being attached to the Century Club - neighbors of the GEM theater. After all, International Chimney - the unit in charge of GEM theater transport, decided to transport both buildings , instead of just one GEM theater as originally planned.

Picture 5 of 10 buildings with huge volumes that people have ever moved

The incident is extremely irony instead of " Century Club attachment" is extremely bad after many improvements . To solve this problem, the transport team had to attach a steel frame system to both buildings, before lifting both buildings onto 71 strollers. Each trolley is about the same size as a Ford Focus.

During the 563-meter journey through Detroit's streets, the transport team had to navigate, balance the building using a series of hydraulic systems. This project was eventually successful with the Guinness record: the heaviest building was transported by wheels.

7. Belle Tout Lighthouse - 850 tons

Compared to these wonders, the Belle Tout lighthouse is much lighter. However, shipping 850 tons of stone bricks through 91.44 meters of cliffs is also worthy of a miracle.

This lighthouse was built in 1829 at the head of Head Cliff - East Sussex coast of England. However from time to time, when the waves and wind erode the ledge of Rock Head Cliff, the lighthouse was forced to move away.

Picture 6 of 10 buildings with huge volumes that people have ever moved

The process of moving in a row is difficult. The beginning is the mobilization of donations. Next, digging the lighthouse up to push down the track also encountered many disadvantages in terrain. Once completed, the lighthouse is pushed down by a computer controlled rail system. The move is not as fast as expected: the project must be shed every 60 cm within 3 hours . Therefore, it took several days to push the lighthouse to its new stop.

8. Agecroft Hall Museum - 180 tons

The analysis of the relocation of houses does not only belong to large-scale buildings. For the Agecroft Hall museum, although only 180 tons of mass, but the removal of each part, carrying over the sea, re-assembling it on the other side is also worth considering as a feat.

Picture 7 of 10 buildings with huge volumes that people have ever moved

Like other relocated buildings, the Agecroft Hall museum had a time of serious degradation, which could only stand before two options: Renovating or removing. In 1925, the Agecroft Hall museum was acquired by millionaire Thomas Williams, provided that it had to be transported by sea and reassembled in its original form in his homeland.

9. Abu Simbel Temple - 31 000 tons

Perhaps the construction of temples or pyramids in Egypt is no stranger to us. But the movement of massive temples has been built, not everyone knows. The story begins in the 1960s when the Nile was built a dam, the rising water level would destroy the entire temple of Abu Simbel if it was not relocated.

Picture 8 of 10 buildings with huge volumes that people have ever moved

In order to relocate the heaviest of 10 human miracles transported, thousands of workers had to dismantle the temple to make 1036 individual blocks, each weighing 30 tons. These rocks will be numbered, transported over a distance of 213 meters from the original position next to the nin river, and assembled in new places.

10. Fu Gang Building - 15,140 tons

Picture 9 of 10 buildings with huge volumes that people have ever moved

The Abu Simbel temple transport area is still impervious to any place compared to the transport of Fu Gang. Because Chinese people have gone into history when transporting . all 15 140 tons of stone bricks were built without having to dismantle them like the temple of Abu Simbel. Although only a 36-meter walk in 11 days, the relocation of Fu Gang is still listed in the Guinness Book of Records with the title: The heaviest building to be transported in its entirety.