10 inexplicable mysterious phenomena
Ghosts or feelings of near death are mysterious phenomena that science cannot explain satisfactorily.
In addition, many other phenomena still exist in human life, but no one knows the cause. Livescience lists 10 most typical phenomena.
The relationship between brain and body
Medicine has only just begun to understand the ways the brain impacts the body. For example, placebo demonstrates that people can reduce symptoms of illness or pain by believing that therapies work, despite the fact that they are not. The body's ability to heal wounds is even more surprising than anything modern medicine can do.
Feeling close to death and life after death
People close to death say they experience a lot of mysterious feelings - such as going through a tunnel to a place with light, meeting loved ones, feeling peaceful. Although those experiences were quite clear, no one provided evidence or verifiable information about the temporary escape of the body. Skeptics believe that near-death experiences are just hallucinations generated by damaged brains. So far, the scientific community has not explained the cause of the near-death feeling, or whether they are images of another world.

While approaching death, many people saw them walking through a tunnel and saw the light at the end.Photo: encefalus.com.
Psychic and psychic abilities
Psychic abilities and psychic abilities are two of the 10 inexplicable phenomena. Many people believe that the sixth sense is a form of spiritual energy. Scientists have examined people who claim they have spiritual abilities and the results show that they do not exist or exist vaguely in these people. Some experts believe that spiritual capacity is impossible to check, or for certain reasons it weakens in the presence of scientists or skeptics. If that is true, science will never be able to prove their existence or non-existence.
Unidentified flying object (UFO)
The existence of UFOs is not too strange phenomenon, because many people see things that they cannot identify in the sky. They can be many objects, from aircraft to comets. But the problem is whether any of the UFOs are spacecraft of strange creatures outside the universe. Because the distance from the earth to other planets is so great, many scientists believe that the possibility of extraterrestrial beings visiting our civilization cannot happen. Even so, people still cannot explain the presence of some UFOs, although in most cases their cause is found.

Flying saucer artwork of peoplemagazinedaily.com.
Psychedelic memories
In French, "déjà vu" means "seen before". This phrase is used when people have a feeling they have seen certain situations, scenes, events in the past and now they are happening before their eyes. For example, a woman walked into a building in a country where she had never been before, but felt that the scenery inside the building was very familiar, as if she had lived in it. Some people believe that déjà vu is spiritual experiences or memories of past lives. Like intuition, in the future scientists can find reasonable explanations of déjà vu by studying human psychology. However, the cause and nature of déjà vu is still a mystery.
The souls of the dead appear in human culture and anecdotes long ago. Many people say they see ghosts of relatives or strangers. Although there has not been any evidence of that being found, many people continue to say that they see ghosts, take ghost photos and even communicate with dead souls. Ghost researchers hope that one day they can prove that the dead can contact the living. That will be the final answer to answer the question: Does Ma exist?
Mysterious missing people
People disappear by countless reasons. Some people deliberately hide, some are kidnapped or murdered. Most missing people are found, but some people do not leave any clues and disappear forever. Some missing characters have become famous such as Jimmy Hoffa (president of the International Truck Driving Union), Amelia Earhart (the first woman to fly a plane through the United States).
Jimmy Hoffa, president of the International Truck Driver Union, went missing on July 30, 1975.Since then his whereabouts have not been found.Photo: toptenz.net.
The sixth Sense
We all have a sixth sense at one or more times in our lives. Of course, our intuition may not be right in many cases. Psychologists insist that people always collect information about the world around them unconsciously. That makes us feel like we know the information or understand the situation in advance. But the sixth sense case is difficult to study or prove, and psychology can be just part of the answer.
Big feet
For several decades, many people claim to have seen animal footprints that resemble the feet of people called 'Bigfoot' (big feet). Even so, no giants have been found. No giant lost his life by a hunter's gun, car accident or illness. Because there is no concrete evidence such as teeth or bones, people use words of witnesses, vague photos or videos to prove the existence of the giant. Theoretically, scientists can't prove that the Loch Ness lake giant or monster exists, but proving the opposite is also impossible. According to Livescience, maybe those big creatures exist, but they always avoid people.
The buzzing in Mexico
Some residents and tourists in the US city of Taos, New Mexico, felt uncomfortable and bewildered by the low frequency buzzing from the desert. Oddly enough, only about 2% of the population in the city said they heard loudly. Some people think unusual acoustic phenomena cause buzzing. Many others believe that it is only a phenomenon of collective paranoia. Until now people have not identified the source of those strange sounds.
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