The mysterious, inexplicable mystery on the uninhabited island: The Soviet Union decodes but fails

In Barsa-Kelmes island, there were strange, inexplicable things that happened. What kind of big secret is the thick fog surrounding this island?

Of the more than 1,000 islands large and small in Central Asia's Aral Sea, there are no mysterious and unusual islands like Barsa-Kelmes.

Under the Kazakh language of indigenous people, Barsa-Kelmes island means the island "does not return". What makes the island once 133 km2 wide (by 1980) become one of the most mysterious areas in the world, although the Soviet Union once mobilized troops and planes and tanks to decode but every Every effort goes into a dead end?

Unexplainable phenomena

Legend has it that, in the 13th century, people on Barsa-Kelmes island were forced to flee the island to avoid the massacre of the Mongols. After a short time, they returned to the island, surprised to see the strange change, around the scene appeared as dozens of years have passed. Finally, the islanders only stayed in the island for a few months and then moved to other places to settle down.

So far, Barsa-Kelmes has become an abandoned place. The last residents of the island left decades ago.

In Barsa-Kelmes, one sees only a strange land covered by a dense fog, which is thought to be strange and unexplainable. Strange things appear so often that people living near the island call it "the door to another dimension".

Picture 1 of The mysterious, inexplicable mystery on the uninhabited island: The Soviet Union decodes but fails
Map of Barsa-Kelmes island in 1853. Source: Journal of the Royal Society of London.

Let's see what bizarre things happened on this island without going back.

First, Barsa-Kelmes is said to be home to strange creatures, like they have never come from Earth but come from another dimension. Local people said that they saw creatures like giant birds hovering around the island, or seeing large sea snakes swimming in the waters around the island, sometimes seeing giant "water monsters" Long necks peeked in the dense fog.

Even for all those who have ever ventured into the island, they mysteriously disappear. They never return when entering that "forbidden land".

Not only is it supposed to be home to anomalous giants, not only "swallowing" the dense fog, Barsa-Kelmes island also makes all modern human devices ineffective. chemical.

When approaching the island, the clock suddenly stopped working, the compass was disabled, the rotating compass needle could not be oriented. Even more amazing, people still feel that time passes slowly, sometimes quickly.

Picture 2 of The mysterious, inexplicable mystery on the uninhabited island: The Soviet Union decodes but fails Expeditional tent on Barsa-Kelmes island, 1848.

One of the strange events that led to the intervention of the Soviet government must include the incident in 1959.

After years of experiencing warmer seasons of islands and the surrounding area, in 1959, Barsa-Kelmes suffered a particularly harsh winter. Some native Kazakhs living near the island thought that Barsa-Kelmes might be the ideal place for frozen seafood they had previously caught, so they entered the area despite the village chief's hindrances. .

However, the harsh winter passed, the warm spring came again and they still had not returned home. Relatives have organized a large-scale search, however, many days passed without seeing any signs of missing people, they reported to the authorities.

The Soviet Union entered the decoding: Maneuvering the aircraft, tanks but mysteriously completed the mystery.

The Soviet government then mobilized a helicopter to sweep the area, searching for missing people on Barsa-Kelmes island. However, when the plane flew into the thick fog, the equipment on the cockpit was disturbed and gradually broken down one by one. Two pilots are forced to make an emergency landing.

The last words appeared in their radio when reporting urgently about the situation at the time, they saw elliptical objects appearing dimly in the dense fog. Soon after, the radio signal between the base and the helicopter was completely silent.

After the helicopter "disappeared" completely in the dense fog of the bizarre island, the Soviet Union continued to maneuver a tank with long cables, entering the strange island area.

The reconnaissance team in the tank was ordered to keep in constant contact while entering the thick fog. However, the frightening thing happened again. The radio signal remained silent after the tank entered the fog.

Picture 3 of The mysterious, inexplicable mystery on the uninhabited island: The Soviet Union decodes but fails
Illustrating images.

It was not until people dragged the car back up with a cable, the interior was completely empty. The whole tank is covered by a layer of ice.

Suspected samples were taken to a modern laboratory in Moscow to check, however, scientists did not find anything unusual, such as strange substances, strange objects or important clues. serving for the investigation.

When it is impossible to explain the strange phenomena in the thick fog of Barsa-Kelmes island, it is time to speculate on the mysteries regarding UFOs and alien bases.

Russian UFO researcher Vadim Chernobrov, after studying old documents related to inexplicable phenomena in Barsa-Kelmes, said that the mist was the shield protecting a secret base. somehow inside the island.

This fog layer has the ability to disable electronic devices, to prevent unwanted intrusion from outside.

Picture 4 of The mysterious, inexplicable mystery on the uninhabited island: The Soviet Union decodes but fails

What is the fate of those who have gone to the island without returning there now? Inside the dense fog, which huge secret is hiding? Is the island of Barsa-Kelmes an underground base of aliens, or is it a man-made work to hide some huge secret? . All these questions are not yet available. Satisfactory explanation.