What is the most mysterious island in the world?

The unexplainable mystery on the island of Es Vedrà off Spain is a big question, human riddles all the time.

Es Vedrà is an island in the Baleares Islands off the coast of Spain. It is said to be the third strong magnetic force on Earth (after the Bermuda Triangle and the North Pole). So far, the mysterious mystery of this island has not been answered. Es Ved Island is more mysterious when technological devices cannot work.

Picture 1 of What is the most mysterious island in the world?
On this island, technology devices cannot work.

This mysterious island is formed entirely from volcanic rocks. There is no metal ore on the island. When arriving at Es Vedrà island, humans cannot use the compass to accurately locate the direction. The cause of this situation is because the compass needle will rotate continuously in different directions.

Es Vedrà island becomes more mysterious with mysterious, spooky and difficult to explain stories. The Spanish government banned people from setting foot on the island of Es Vedrà and declared it a nature conservation area.

Picture 2 of What is the most mysterious island in the world?
When arriving at Es Vedrà island, humans cannot use the compass to accurately locate the direction.

Therefore, many people can only observe the island associated with the mystery that has not deciphered it remotely. Despite the ban, some locals still stealthily set foot on the mysterious island of Es Vedrà.