10 misconceptions about science

Do you still believe that the moon has "dark areas"? Can doctors cure polio? Lightning does not hit 2 times in the same position? In all areas of science, there are many popular thoughts that have been proven completely wrong.

1. Can kill the virus that causes disease

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Is not. You can make the virus stop working, destroy the virus, but you can't "kill" a virus. Reason: The virus is not a living organism. One of the criteria for recognizing a species as a "living creature" is the ability to reproduce a species, and the virus does not have this ability. Viruses can only survive by attacking cells.

2. People have found a way to "cure" polio

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Is not. There is no way to cure polio. Only vaccine (vaccine) has been found to prevent polio. Even in this age, if you don't get the vaccine and get polio, no one can help you.

3. The dark side of the moon

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"Darkness of the moon" is the name of both a classic album of Pink Floyd band and part 3 of the blockbuster Transformers series. But the reality is that the moon has no dark areas. Humans can see half of the moon, but on the surface the other half (half of us never see) there is light from the sun like a half toward the earth. The exact name of this half is "the far half of the moon".

4. Asteroids, meteors and meteorites

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These 3 phrases are easily mistaken for each other. Asteroid is a "giant stone" in space. Meteors are a giant stone that flies into our atmosphere. The meteorite pieces are remnants of rock when colliding with the ground.

5. Lightning does not hit 2 times in the same place

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Complete mistake. Lightning does not "select" position. There are skyscrapers constantly struck by lightning. A ranger named Roy Sullivan was even struck by lightning . 7 times (never killed) in his life.

6. The distance from each hemisphere to the Sun causes hot / cold temperatures during the seasons

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This thought seems very reasonable. When the Northern Hemisphere gets closer to the sun, the Northern Hemisphere is warmer; In the second half of the year, the Northern Hemisphere is farther away from the Sun, so the temperature is colder.

However, the truth is that the Earth is 149,600,000 kilometers away from the Sun, so any Hemisphere closer to the Sun will not make the temperature change so much. The angle of sunlight shining on the positions on Earth is the factor that creates four seasons: the vertical angle will produce the highest temperature.

7. Ancient people used to live with dinosaurs

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Is not. Our ancestors lived 65 million years from the dinosaurs. If the dinosaurs do not become extinct, the small mammals will never be able to evolve into humanity.

8. Hadron large particle accelerators can create black holes

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In 2008, when the large Hadron accelerator came into operation, it was thought that just one mistake could make an artificial black hole in Europe and destroy mankind. The fact that a large Hadron particle accelerator can replicate some very terrible phenomena of the universe, but the scale of this machine only stops at a few molecules. Rest assured that the process of finding "God's Particle" will not be able to create black holes that swallow Europe.

9. Earth is a "hot" planet

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The temperature at the center of the sun is 15 million degrees Celsius. The maximum temperature that a molecular accelerator can produce is 4 trillion degrees C. In return, the absolute zero temperature (the coldest temperature can be produced) under ideal conditions) is -273.15 degrees Celsius (0 degrees Kelvin). Thus, the living temperature of humans is only about 300 degrees Celsius at the bottom, but less than the peak of thousands of degrees Celsius. It is hard to say that the earth is a "warm" planet.

Of course, this does not mean that people are allowed to ignore the process of global warming that is affecting lives of billions of lives across continents. This fact simply means that our planet can hardly be classified as "hot" on the universe's rankings.

10. The theory of science is only as authentic as the human feeling

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When you start researching a phenomenon, the point of view can be considered accurate. But, sometimes, the word "theory" can be used to refer to a fact that you have not witnessed, although all the evidence suggests that this theory is authentic.

For example? The Big Bang Theory, which is about the origin of the universe, is considered by everyone, but no one lives from . 13.8 billion years ago to confirm this.