10 most exotic reptiles in the world

Supernatural lizards, poisonous snakes Viper or snakes eating African eggs are 3 out of 10 reptiles that possess distinct characteristics compared to their relatives.

Picture 1 of 10 most exotic reptiles in the world
The red-headed Agama is one of the most beautiful reptiles on the planet.With a length of 35 to 38cm, Agama mainly lives in Africa.The color of the male face and body of a male agama became brilliant at the hottest time of the day.In encounters fighting over territory with enemies, their bodies are more beautiful with bright colors.The contrast between the red face and the blue body made the animal famous as the 'superman lizard'.

Picture 2 of 10 most exotic reptiles in the world
Iguana turtles in the Galapagos Islands of Spain are reptiles that eat seaweed. Their color is a mix of brown, pink, light blue and green. They often use sharp teeth to seaweed 'planes' at rocky outcrops. With a rough shape, they were called 'ugly monsters'.

Picture 3 of 10 most exotic reptiles in the world
Indian crocodile or Gangster crocodile, Gharial scientific name.Although Gharial crocodiles are up to 6m long, they are very healthy.With narrow mouths and many teeth, Gharial only re-fishes the fish but not to the larger prey like many other crocodiles.Gharial is facing a high risk of extinction because it only exists at a range of 2% compared to the region that is the habitat of species in South Asia.

Picture 4 of 10 most exotic reptiles in the world
Poisonous snake Viper is one of the most frightening and effective predators on the planet.Food of this snake is usually small prey, but they also easily attack humans and cause serious consequences.Owing to its brilliant color, Viper became one of the most beautiful species in the snake family.In addition, the horns on the head and the tail of anomalous spider make the Viper snake oddly attractive.

Picture 5 of 10 most exotic reptiles in the world
Rubber Python Boa operates in a vast environment including Canada's British Columbia province.This python species has very good ability to control body temperature.With the nickname 'pythons', Rubber Boa possesses a large tail which is used as a bait to defend.Their tails can also bear bites during the struggle with rats.

Picture 6 of 10 most exotic reptiles in the world
Dragon snakes originated from Thailand, Myanmar and Indonesia.The scientific community pays special attention to the dragon snake because of its strange appearance and interesting history of origin.This is a black, long and poisonous animal with strange shapes on the back skin.They live completely at night and feed mainly on frogs.

Picture 7 of 10 most exotic reptiles in the world
Unlike other 'gentle' species, Mata Mata tortoises from the Amazon region of South America can access and use sharp teeth to decay prey such as aquatic birds, invertebrates and fish.They live in the same species of tiger fish and river dolphins.Mata Mata is the most exotic turtle in the world.

Picture 8 of 10 most exotic reptiles in the world
Snake species are famous for their aggressiveness and fast attack ability.However, snakes eating African eggs are slow and modest in their approach to prey.This is one of the two snake-eating snake species that depend entirely on food that is eggs (along with snake eating Indian eggs).Because there are no canines, snakes eat African eggs without venom.African egg-eating snakes have an extremely flexible set of jaws and necks that can easily swallow eggs 10 times larger than their body weight.The spine in the body has a protruding concave structure that can break the egg shell.

Picture 9 of 10 most exotic reptiles in the world
Footless lizards in Europe possess great power and catching skills.Although they have no legs, they still have the same characteristics as other lizards like the ears behind the eyes and the flat head.They often wipe their noses on the ground to clean up the sebum they release after eating.

Picture 10 of 10 most exotic reptiles in the world
Chinese soft-shell turtle has a wide spread tip and strange eyes.Scientists pay special attention to how their urine is discharged through the mouth.This special ability helps them prevent dehydration and excessive salt accumulation to survive in saltwater environments.Soft-shell turtles live in many parts of Asia, including Vietnam.