10 threats threaten the earth

Cosmic black holes, meteorites and comets, super volcanoes until nuclear war are hypotheses of natural or artificial threats that lead to the end of human civilization.

1. Cosmic black hole

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The existence of black holes has been described by Einstein in relativity. It can be formed from dead stars, causing the surrounding space and time to bend. The black hole is 'greedy monster', nothing escapes its attraction, including light.

Suppose there is a black hole approaching the earth, it will be formidable destructive, if sucked into the black hole, the earth can hardly exist. In addition to swallowing, the force of black hole attraction has many ways to destroy life on earth. The gravitational pull of the black hole simply causes the earth to deviate from its orbit, our planet will be burned by the sun or enter the ice age permanently.

There are many black holes in the universe, hundreds of them are thought to be moving invisibly around our galaxy. However, scientists think that the nearest black hole is thousands of light-years away. Many people believe that the world's largest particle accelerator LHC (Large Hadron Collider) is used to reestablish the moment after the Big Bang will create a black hole to swallow the earth, scientists think this is unlikely happened but they said they still had to check back for sure.

2. Meteors and comets

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Serious impact from a comet or asteroid is believed to be the culprit behind the extinction of the dinosaurs. Even a relatively small cosmic impact also creates significant destruction. For example, the Tunguska explosion raises Russia's Siberia forest, about the size of Tokyo, a century ago, possibly due to a 20-meter asteroid. However, early warning systems against the impact of the universe will be built by humans in the future.

3. The explosion of gamma rays

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The explosion of gamma rays is the most powerful explosion known in the universe. It is capable of releasing a lot of energy equivalent to the amount of solar energy generated throughout its 10 billion year life in a period of one millisecond to a minute or more.

A star in space called WR 104, 8,000 light-years away, can produce a gamma-ray burst, firing gamma rays towards the earth at risk of mass extinction.

4. The sun

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The sun plays a very important role for life on earth, but its activity can cause serious damage to the high technology that people are dependent on. Solar eruption in the modern era disrupted radio communication and power grid.

A storm in 1859 damaged many telegraph wires, causing fires in North America and Europe, causing aurora on the earth. If a strong magnetic storm in the future occurs, it will cause a devastating impact.

A recent report by the US National Academies said its losses initially amounted to $ 2,000 billion by crippling the communications system on Earth and creating chaos around the world.

5. Super volcano

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Some volcanoes in the world are capable of huge eruptions, unlike any other in history, many times stronger than active volcanoes like St Helens and Krakatoa for tens of millennia. here.

Super volcanoes will break global climate and challenge life around the world. Unlike other threats, such as the impact of meteors or nuclear attacks, there is no known strategy in preventing a super eruption.

6. Nuclear war

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The proliferation of nuclear weapons over many decades has made many people worried about a war that destroys the earth. While the leaders of nuclear weapons countries are cooperating to reduce their arsenal, nuclear terrorism is still an urgent concern. A nuclear conflict will change the climate and affect the entire world.

7. Infectious diseases

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Many infectious diseases have attacked humans throughout history. Black death (caused by plague) kills nearly half of infected people. Malaria, AIDS and other diseases are continuing to destroy the world today. Some diseases from animals have spread to people like SARS, bird flu, Ebola virus disease.

The greater threat can defeat human best efforts to stop them, many argue that overuse of antibiotics increases these viruses.

8. Zombies

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Some types of parasites effectively control the brain of ants making them turn into zombies. However, no pathogens have been detected so far that humans turn into mobile corpses. Scientists are using the zombie script to conduct research on how to spread the disease both now and in the future.

9. The robot

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Computers that make robots become smarter in the future make people fear that one day they will conquer the earth. Some types of intelligent killer robots are programmed, equipped with weapons of mass destruction, if they appear everywhere, humans face many dangers close by.

10. Aliens

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Aliens kidnap, experiment and mass kill people often appear in novels. However, so far no meeting with extraterrestrial creatures has taken place, so humans are still alone in the universe.

If aliens appear and move through the stars to attack the earth, people wonder if they will land on the ground to be shot by humans like movies often described. It would be more reasonable to assume that they bombarded the strategic goals of the people and the population center from space, then let the robots down.