10 years living with two hearts in the chest

For more than a decade, Hannah Clark lived with two hearts in her chest, beating at the same beat. The incident began when Hannah was only 2 years old, her heart began to burn out.

Hannah was born and had a special disease cardiomyocathy - a disease that caused part of her heart muscle to grow twice, but pushed blood badly.

In a 2-year-old girl, to save her life, doctors performed a special operation, attaching a new heart (donated from another girl) to Hannah's heart. The old heart is still left and rested, in hopes it will recover itself.

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As a child, Hannah had cardiomyocathy that nearly doubled her heart, but worked very poorly.At the age of 2, to save the baby, the doctor added another heart to the old heart, supporting its operation.Ten years later, due to the effects of the graft, Hannah had lymphoma, and the doctor removed the transplanted heart, allowing Hannan's true heart to work itself.(Photo: DailyMail)

This strange heart transplant is considered the only case in the UK so far, and probably the only one in the world. It was done by doctors, under the direction of leading cardiologist, Professor Magdi Yacoub.

The surgery in 1995 was successful, but Hannah still had to take 17 pills a day to prevent her immune system from functioning (not giving her a strange heart elimination). Because of that, she became very weak with infections and other diseases, and was constantly hospitalized.

After 10 years, Hannah began to suffer from serious side effects of the drug and soon developed lymphoma - a type of cancer that is caused by this surgery. One day, the nurse informed his parents that Hannah could only survive 12 hours.

The only way to stop cancer is to remove the implant heart. Professor Magdi, who retired after a transplant, returned to supervise the new operation, at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London in 2006.

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Hannah is now completely healthy, with her parents.
(Photo: DailyMail)

" Gambling " has won big. After the heart is removed, Hannah's original heart works, completely healthy.

Now, this 16-year-old girl has really recovered. No longer having to take daily anti-rejection medication, away from her hospital clothes and life-threatening infections, Hannah began her new life.