12-year-old boy gives birth to stingrays

A 12-year-old Australian boy helped give birth to a stingray after catching it next to the boat.

The boy gives birth to stingrays

Miller Wilson, who lives in Queensland, Australia, has a channel on Youtube to share natural discovery experiences. Video posted by Wilson on 1 December recounts the moment he helped the rays give birth to children.

"After 30 minutes of walking on the beach, I found the stingray right next to my boat. Feeling it didn't seem right, I checked and found it pregnant. I witnessed the birth of 12. My son is quite struggling and I think he needs help , " The Huffington Post quoted Miller as saying.

Picture 1 of 12-year-old boy gives birth to stingrays
Miller Wilson next to the stingray.

An expert recognized the boy's quickness and friendliness when giving birth to the rays, but emphasizing Wilson's good intentions could be counterproductive.

"What he does is very dangerous and risky. I don't know if Wilson has been stung by venom. Although the boy seems to care about the condition of the stingray, helping it in this way can also cause harmful to it, " said Perry Hampton, deputy director of animal management at the Pacific Aquarium in California, USA.

"Giving birth to wild animals is not a good idea. This action can cause pressure and negatively affect animals in many ways. The way the boy holds in the breathing hole to lift them is no different. Hampton's nose, " Hampton said.