20 interesting facts about France

Did you know, the French name in English is France and comes from Franks, meaning "free".

France is one of the world's top tourist destinations with lots of interesting things about culture and cuisine that you may not know.

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"Freedom, fairness and solidarity" are the national slogans of France.

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Baguette bread is a favorite street food.It is also dubbed the "addictive French stick".

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Today, many photos taken with mobile phones are equally beautiful from cameras.

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The 2014 Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded to French author Patrick Modiano.This is the 15th Christmas Literature Prize of this country.

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And they become a feature of this country.

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In that Camembert cheese was dubbed the king of French cheese.

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French cuisine is always highly regarded in the world, so it is not surprising that books about French cuisine are so much.

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This cake is extremely popular and popular in France.A croissant and a cup of coffee are many people's favorite breakfasts.

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By this special shape, France has borders with many countries such as Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Andorra and Spain.

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Thus, the area of ​​France is nearly 20% of that of the European Union.

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A series of tourist attractions like the Eiffel Tower, Lourve Museum, and beautiful beaches are the reasons why tourists come to France so much.

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Beautiful beaches of France always attract a lot of tourists.

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French is the main language in the UK for about 300 years from 1066 to 1362. However, in fact only the aristocracy in England is speaking French and the majority of the population still uses common English.

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This toast has a simple way to make it very tasty and delicious.

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This is also the world's largest bicycle race.

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This is to protect the symbol of Paris from rust.

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It is surprising to know the famous skirt of Scottish men originating from France.

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In the collection of the Louvre now has the most famous works of art history, such as the Venus Goddess, Mona Lisa .

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This image is romantic but it is banned in France.

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French people make a lot of dishes from snails, including garlic butter snails.