New Zealand conservationists say a technical error has caused 800 rare earth snails (classified as highly endangered) to freeze to death.

The World Wildlife Fund and the World Wildlife Fund have discovered 1,060 new species of organisms in the Papua New Guinea rainforest.

Leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) is recognized as the largest sea turtle in the world and the fourth largest reptile after 3 giant crocodiles.

New painkillers have revolutionized the pharmaceutical industry. This drug is unique in that they are made from ... sea slugs.

Did you know, the French name in English is France and comes from Franks, that is

Through the Finnish photographer lens, the world of snails is now full of poetic beauty, gorgeous as a fairyland.

There are extreme poisonous moments of nature that, if with your eyes, you will never be able to witness it. Thanks to the talented lenses of photographers, we can enjoy pictures

An amateur photographer has made viewers admire the beautiful set of animal photos, shooting beautiful snails like angels.

There are moments when animals kiss passionately beautiful, surprisingly, making us unable to take our eyes off them.

Mother's love is always vast and unconditional, no matter which species. Watching moving images of maternal love of animals.