Saliva of the slug does all the pain

Australian scientists and universities claim they have produced a pain reliever pill, making a revolution in the pharmaceutical industry. The uniqueness of this drug is that they are made from snails, the analgesic effect is not inferior to morphine and not addictive.

Picture 1 of Saliva of the slug does all the pain


Scientists say that some conical vortex species produce toxic saliva, which contains deadly peptides.They use this poison as a survival weapon, often injecting their saliva into prey that accidentally swims close to the teeth that cause paralysis and stop breathing.

They extracted peptides from their saliva and carried out chemical analyzes to determine the formula, investigating the harmful effects depending on the content of toxins and the main from these poisons, they made the Analgesic tablets, taken orally.

Previously, scientists had also prepared pain relievers from sea slug saliva but had to put it into the patient's body in a much more complicated way, which was to inject directly into the spinal cord, so the use was very unstable. It is convenient because when a person is in pain, the patient cannot solve it on his own.

Recent experiments have shown that the newly produced pill is as effective as the classic analgesic morfin, but the sedative from the sea slug is superior to morfin because it is not addictive.