Giant carnivorous slug invades Britain

The farmers in the UK are headache to deal with the giant slugs invading and destroying garden fields.

Picture 1 of Giant carnivorous slug invades Britain
Many people believe that the slug (Arion vulgaris) is derived from Spain, appears popular in Northern Europe and into the UK through imported vegetables such as lettuce and lettuce.(Photo: SWNS)

Picture 2 of Giant carnivorous slug invades Britain
Oversized slugs have a maximum length of about 12cm, 4 times more than regular slugs.They lay about 400 eggs a year.These invaders not only eat rotten vegetables, feces, and meat but also eat their own flesh.(Photo: SWNS)

Picture 3 of Giant carnivorous slug invades Britain
British farmers discovered giant slugs from last summer.They hope the cold and frost of the winter in England will kill them.However, these creatures are gradually adapting to the weather here.(Photo: Metro)

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Many fear that giant slugs will mate with native slugs to create a new species that is more resistant to cold and growing.(Photo: Metro)

Picture 5 of Giant carnivorous slug invades Britain
Mr. Cornell, a farmer in England, said: 'I have never seen such a large slug. Their slime creates slippery spots on the roads. The only way to kill this species is to cut them into pieces . '(Photo: SWNS)

Picture 6 of Giant carnivorous slug invades Britain
The enemies of giant slugs are species like frogs and frogs.However, the number of frogs in the UK is quite limited and declining rapidly.(Photo: Mirror)