Monsters of the ocean

The vast ocean contains many interesting mysteries, and one of them is a long list of exotic creatures, with unusual appearance and behavior.

Picture 1 of Monsters of the ocean
"Two-year-old" fisher Sebastes borealis was caught by fisherman Henry Liebman on the coast of Alaska, USA.

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The Axolotl species, also known as the Mexican salamander, has a humorous face and a larval body .

Picture 3 of Monsters of the ocean
Felimare californiensis, with its striking green body - gold, was discovered in 1901 in the waters of southern California, USA, and is at risk of extinction.

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Psychrolutes phrictus goby live at a depth of more than 2,000m above sea level.Adult individuals are about 0.6m long and have many sharp spines covering the body.This fish is found by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in northern California.

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A giant goldfish, weighing nearly 2kg, is found in Lake Tahoe, California.

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Snakehead, an animal that is banned in most US states because of the threat from its intimidating jaws, can live without water for many days.

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A special eel species with unusually long jaws and sharp teeth.

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Scots of Scotoplanes globosa, sometimes referred to as "manatee", live on the ocean floor and eat animals and microorganisms mixed in mud.

Picture 9 of Monsters of the ocean
The giant sea spider, whose scientific name is Pycnogonid, lives at depths of more than 3,000 meters below sea level.

Picture 10 of Monsters of the ocean
Sea slug Chromodoris.(Photo: