Freshwater fish are fish species that live primarily in freshwater environments, such as rivers and lakes, with salinity less than 0.05%. Below is a list of popular freshwater fish

Snakehead fish, also known as fruit fish, banana fish, is a type of fish often featured in the tray of Vietnamese rice. Not only delicious, snakehead fish also brings a very

Not only is the monstrous shape, these fishes are also extremely dangerous with strong venom, sharp teeth or horrible blood-sucking ability ...

When customers came to play, Tin called tens of thousands of snakehead fish

At first glance, many people will think these animals are the product of Photoshop photo editing tools, but in fact, they are real animals, living with humans on the globe.

Snakefish, crocodile head, snakehead fish is one of the most exotic fish ever appeared in Vietnam in recent years.

Production of industrial feed for snakehead fish replacements for fresh bait fish is a successful research project and put into production by Mr. Vu Quang Le - A Au Commercial

With sharp and sharp teeth like knives, a fish with a fierce face is

The vast ocean contains many interesting mysteries, and one of them is a long list of exotic creatures, with unusual appearance and behavior.