20 tips for your heart to run smoothly

Unhealthy eating combined with sedentary lifestyle can damage your health, especially the heart.

Here are 20 expert tips on Healthmeup.com for you to have a healthy heart:

Cut down on fat

To prevent or reduce heart disease, you need to choose the right fats and eat less fat in general. Avoid fats that increase cholesterol levels like saturated and trans fatty acids, they are found in bread products, high-fat meats, fried foods and dairy products such as ice cream. Use healthy oils like olive oil, soybean oil or rice bran oil

Reduce salt intake during meals

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Photo: Guardian

Excess salt in your diet can increase blood pressure, increase the development of heart disease. Therefore, you should eat no more than 6 grams a day. You can cut down by using less salt to cook, limit eating processed and canned foods, avoid cakes and snacks, because there are lots of salt.

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are low in calories, high in fiber and contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals. The fiber and antioxidants which help prevent cardiovascular disease. Eating fresh products can help you fill up for a long time and avoid you from eating unhealthy snacks.

Maintain body weight

Being overweight can increase your risk of heart disease. The cause of obesity is the accumulation of excess fat in the body, causing a variety of health problems. Maintain an ideal body weight suitable for your height and age. A lifestyle change, a balanced diet and moderate physical activity can help you achieve the desired weight.

Eat whole grains

Whole grains are a good source of fiber, minerals and vitamins, which help regulate blood pressure and keep your heart healthy. Grains contain a lot of starch, no fiber and vitamins. They will be absorbed quickly into the body, thereby increasing the amount of starch in the body. You can put cereals such as flax seeds, bran, oats, corn, millet . on the menu.

Eat fish twice a week

Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna and sardines are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which help fight cardiovascular disease. The vegetarian sources of omega-3 fatty acids are flaxseed, canola oil or walnuts.

Avoid drinking alcohol

Consuming moderate amounts of alcohol for about 2 drinks per night will be healthy. However, if you drink too much for a certain period of time, it can raise your blood pressure and affect cholesterol. Alcohol also affects the heart rate and causes weight gain. So, choose a glass of red wine instead.

Limit the road

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Photo: tantoesstrongwoman

Sugar provides carbohydrates that are easily digestible and easily absorbed. However, many people do not know that sugar also acts like fat in causing cardiovascular problems. Excess sugar is converted into fat and stored in the body. Eating more than what is required can cause weight gain, high blood pressure and contribute as a risk factor for diabetes. Every day, you should not consume more than 6-8 teaspoons of sugar.

Control the diet

How much you eat is as important as what you eat. Check the amount of food you eat by using small plates, cups, and spoons when eating. Do not leave leftovers on the plate and restrain your appetite. While dining at restaurants, you should not put more than what you need and stop when you're full.

Healthy diet

Having a healthy diet is key to preventing cardiovascular disease. Eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, avoid refined bread products, say no to fried foods and snacks, eat healthy foods that will help you win the battle against cardiovascular disease.

Consume heart-healthy foods

Use antioxidant foods that reduce inflammation, "bad" cholesterol and increase "good" cholesterol, keep your blood pressure in the desired range and enhance immunity. Foods like garlic, onions, cruciferous vegetables, strawberries, oranges, flax seeds, and nuts are very important.

Choose low-fat protein

Eating protein is a healthy start. However, many good quality protein sources also increase fat content in the body. You should wisely choose foods high in protein but low in fat. For example, do not use the yolk when eating eggs. Choose chicken and fish, and cut down on meats like beef and pork. Use methods like grilling, microwave oven . instead of frying.

Exercise often

Sedentary lifestyle is the main cause of the development of cardiovascular diseases. Physical activity helps you control your body weight, improve your heart rate, pump more oxygen into your blood and keep your heart healthy. Aerobic exercise for at least 30 minutes a day has been shown to improve blood pressure, minimize injuries and stress to your heart.

To give up smoking

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Photo: talktofrank

Smoking is always known to be the main cause of coronary heart disease. Smoking increases your heart rate, breaks down blood pressure, affects antioxidants in the body. Try to quit smoking, if you want a healthy heart.

Read nutritional ingredients on food labels

Find out so you can read and understand the nutritional ingredients listed on packaged foods. Look for healthy foods like low fat (1% fat), healthy, high fiber, unsalted and low calorie. This is useful in determining what parts of food are consumed and its health benefits.

Reduce eating out

Current social relationships and eating too often outside can jeopardize your heart. Regularly providing high calories or fatty foods and desserts can make excess fat, calories, eat more than what is needed and eat unhealthy. So choose wisely healthy foods and choose healthy snacks when eating outside.

Say no to processed foods

Prepared foods that are high in calories and fat, have easy-to-digest carbohydrates, do not give you a feeling of fullness, low fiber, and have a variety of health hazards. Reduce consumption of packaged snacks and say no to processed foods to have a healthy heart.

Avoid stress

Stress is the leading factor causing disease, especially for heart disease. Stress and unhealthy lifestyles can lead to many health problems. Get rid of stress to make a healthier and happier life. Join a new activity, listen to relaxing music or take a walk alone after great pressures.

DASH diet

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Photo: happylivingvegan

DASH is a diet that reduces absorption of salt-containing foods, while increasing absorption of fruits, grains and vegetables. From there, help you maintain moderate weight and improve blood pressure. With this diet, you need to provide cereals, beans, poultry, fruits and vegetables. At the same time limit the consumption of salt and sugar. The DASH diet gives you an outline of a healthy diet.

Create menus and daily plans

Plan your menu the day before and try to do it. Set the volume for the type of food, the amount you eat. Check your blood pressure regularly to have a healthy heart.