20 years to find aliens?

Humans will face extraterrestrials within the next two decades, a leading Russian astronomer predicts.

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In a speech at an international forum on the topic of extraterrestrial life held in Russia, Russian professor Andrei Finkelstein said 10% of the planet in the Milky Way has the same conditions as Earth. . If we detect water on these planets, we can find life there.

Picture 1 of 20 years to find aliens?

' The origin of life cannot not be formed from atoms . Maybe life exists on another planet and we will find extraterrestrial civilization in the next 20 years , "said Professor Andrei Finkelstein. , director of the Institute of Applied Astronomy under the Russian Academy of Sciences, predicts.

Professor Andrei Finkelstein also predicts that aliens who exist also have a human-like appearance. He said: ' Aliens also have two arms and two legs like ours. They may have different skin colors like humans on Earth . '

According to the Daily Mail , the Russian Institute of Applied Astronomy has been conducting searches for extraterrestrial civilizations since the 1960s by sending radio signals into space in the hope that aliens may receive Get these signals and get in touch with us.

' We have been searching for aliens since a long time ago, but we just waited for the signal words from space, ' Dr. Finkelstein said.