Add 'eyes' to find aliens

In 2016, the world will have an extraordinarily powerful telescope to search for aliens.

Picture 1 of Add 'eyes' to find aliens
FAST telescope design (Photo: Discovery)

Construction was carried out in Guizhou Province, southern China, FAST, the world's largest single radio telescope, similar in shape to Arecibo in Puerto Rico.

According to Discovery news page, FAST contains 4,400 triangular aluminum panels that are suspended inside a 500-meter-diameter disc. FAST can ' look ' into space three times as large as Arecibo and produce the most sharp radio monitoring results ever made of air masses between interplanetary, supernova, supernova and black hole emissions, while participating in seeking signals from extraterrestrial civilizations.

In 1995, the SETI Institute, which specializes in the search for signs of extraterrestrial life and is based in California (USA), launched the Phoenix project to explore 1,000 nearby stars like the sun, listening to every artificial radio ' beep ' sound. With the help of FAST, the scale of this project could increase, allowing SETI to survey 5,000 stars like the nearest sun. In theory, FAST can detect aliens' location of calls that are 1,000 light-years away from us.