2-year-old baby signs a football contract
A Dutch one and a half year old boy became famous after signing a football contract worth 10 years.
Baerke van der Meij and his father.
Baerke van der Meij boy was 'floating' on Youtube after his father Jorg posted a video of the boy shooting 3 balls hit all 3 on a toy box last week. The video attracted nearly 1 million hits on YouTube.
Venlose Voetbal Vereniging (VVV), the team in Venlo city where the boy's father once played as a professional player, immediately noticed Baerke.
The boy was invited to join a VVV training session at De Koel Stadium on Tuesday with teammate Ken Leemans, the star of the team, before being invited to sign a 10-year training contract despite the contract only. 'symbolic'.
' The boy's hobby has not been determined. However, we can envision a right-handed player with the ability to shoot very well, be patient and important as a football player like his father ', a VVV statement said.
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