3 Cat Breeds Veterinarians Advise to Avoid

Some cat breeds can bring more problems than joy.

Many Vietnamese families keep cats. Some people love these four-legged animals so much that they keep many at once. But few people think that some breeds of cats can bring more problems than joy.

Here are some cat breeds that veterinarians advise you not to keep:

Scottish Fold

Picture 1 of 3 Cat Breeds Veterinarians Advise to Avoid

The Scottish Fold is a breed of cat that originated in Scotland. These kittens fascinate people mainly because of their unusually curved ears. The cat's ears become like this because of weakened cartilage.

However, ear cartilage is weak not only in the ears but also in other parts of the body. Because of this, such pets often suffer from arthritis, which then causes them to lose their ability to walk.

Bengal Cat

Picture 2 of 3 Cat Breeds Veterinarians Advise to Avoid

Bengal cats mostly have bright orange and light brown coats. Bengal cats have exotic colors that people are willing to pay a lot of money to own such a beautiful pet. However, veterinarians do not recommend choosing a Bengal cat as a pet.

Many people do not know that this breed of cat is a hybrid between the wild Asian leopard cat and the domestic cat . The name Bengal comes from the subspecies of the Asian leopard cat, which has a wild appearance with spots and a white belly, and a body structure quite similar to the Asian leopard cat. Therefore, these animals have a very complex temperament and behavior, somewhat wild .

Persian Cat

Picture 3 of 3 Cat Breeds Veterinarians Advise to Avoid

Persians are another popular breed. Many people are fascinated by them, not even knowing that they have any health problems because of their distinctive nose. The Persian cat's nostrils are so small that the bones in its nose are pressed together.

In addition, these cats often have a soft palate at the back of the throat, abnormal tear flow and all this makes Persian cats often have eye problems so they are somewhat difficult to raise .