3 most mysterious archaeological discoveries in human history

So far, some of the most mysterious archaeological findings in history have yet to find a convincing answer.

Mysterious Olmec stone heads

Olmec civilization is believed to exist from 1400 - 300 BC. They live on the low-lying coast of the Gulf of Mexico (now Veracruz and Tabasco states).

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An Olmec stone head was discovered.

In the early 1900s, it was discovered some giant stone heads carved from monolithic volcanic basalt of Tuxtlas mountain. This is also the discovery of mysterious archeology, human riddles for decades. They have a height ranging from 1.47 - 3.4m. Before the blocks were carved, they were moved to the engraving site 300km away.

Until now, experts have not been able to decipher how Olmec people can move heavy rocks of up to 18 tons from Tuxtlas to the engraving site. If using human strength, it is necessary to have 1,500 people moving continuously for 3-4 months to bring the stone to the carved place. Engraving tools are also stone, not iron or copper, so the carving takes time. However, the facial expressions of the statues are incredibly vivid. In addition, archaeologists have yet to find out who the character carved on the stone head represents.

The sword plugs in the rock

According to the legend, the British in the Middle Ages used their hands to not remove the magic sword that was deeply embedded in the stone - something that no ordinary man could do even though they had tried their best for years. Thanks to that treasured sword, King Arthur is superior to ordinary people.

In fact, a sword plugged in the same legend as above is located in the monastery of Monte Siepi in San Galgano region in Tuscany, Italy. According to legend, that sword belonged to the man who was later canonized as San Galgano Guidotti.

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The sword is deeply embedded in the rock that no one can draw.

Guidotti is like King Arthur - once a Knight and has the ability to fight and power far beyond ordinary people. However, knight Guidotti was a cruel and cruel person.

In 1180, Guidotti met the Archangel Michael and was asked to end his sinful life to lead the way to God.

Initotti initially rejected the request. However, one day Guidotti walked across a wild hill with huge rocks lying everywhere. Meanwhile, Guidotti heard the voice of the Angel calling for him to follow the request.

Guidotti strongly replied that changing him was no different from slashing a stone with a sword. As soon as he finished speaking, Guidotti drew his sword and slashed heavily on the large rock by the road. The strange thing is that the sword is not broken but is deeply inserted into the rock and cannot be drawn. This led Guidotti to change his mind and give up his previous cruel life. He prayed every day before he died a year after the sword was stabbed deep in the stone. Later, Pope Lucius III canonized Guidotti in 1185. A chapel was built at the place where the sword was deeply embedded in the rock and even today.

According to the documents, no one could draw a deep sword in the stone. Even anecdote says that anyone who wants to move the legendary sword has a terrible disaster.

Sealand skull

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Sealand skull was discovered in 2007 in Olstykke, Denmark.

The skull is one of the most curious and mysterious archaeological discoveries in the world. It was discovered in 2007 in Olstykke, Denmark. By 2010, this skull was taken to the Veterinary University of Denmark for examination. Experts were then unable to identify the species of the mysterious skull. They say the skull is like a mammal, but it has characteristics that are not suitable for any kind of Linnaeus classification.

After that, Sealand's skull was taken to Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen. Experts identify it dating back to 1200-1280 BC. What is special is that the skull above has a large, deeper and more rounded pocket. The nostrils of Sealand's skull are very small and have a narrow chin.

The size of the Sealand skull is larger than the size of a normal man's skull. Tests show that this person has a life adapted to cold weather. Eye size shows that this person adapts to nightlife with huge eyes.

With these unusual characteristics, some people speculate that is evidence of the existence of aliens. However, some people claim that the skull belongs to the ancient people who have disappeared or been forgotten. So far, the mystery of Sealand's skull has not been answered.