4 dangers you may encounter when the weather is too cold

A Harvard Medical School doctor has synthesized health problems that you may encounter when temperatures are low.

Accompanying are very simple but necessary precautions.

In these days, not only in Vietnam but also in the US are receiving the coldest wave of the year. When the temperature is going down, the risk of human health also increases.

According to Dr. Suzanne Salamon of Harvard Medical School, the US "too cold weather poses many health risks, especially for the elderly". Here are the health problems you may encounter this winter and how to respond.

With the immune system

During the cold months, people often go out to the streets. They are often in contact environments at close proximity to others such as offices, supermarkets, restaurants. This increases the risk of spreading the flu, coughing .

How to prevent it: According to Dr. Salamon, "it is necessary to get a flu shot. Or at least regularly wash your hands with soap or hand washing solution. Especially when coughing or sneezing, do not cover your mouth with your hands , use the arm or elbow part. "

With the heart

Picture 1 of 4 dangers you may encounter when the weather is too cold
When the temperature is going down, the risk of human health also increases.

Cold weather causes narrowing of blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart attack.

How to avoid room: Remember to wear warm enough when outside, wear a hat, and wear gloves. Avoid doing heavy work outdoors during cold days like this.

With skin

The dry weather of winter seriously affects the moisture content of the skin.

How to prevent room: Use moisturizer containing oil to avoid losing moisture. Bathe with warm water, don't bathe with hot water. Use a humidifier in the room to keep the top layer moist.

With body temperature

Cold weather makes the body more likely to lose heat, which means the temperature inside the body drops too low. Especially elderly people are more prone to this situation. Even when it is not too cold, it can also cause this situation.

How to avoid room: Remember to wear warm when outside. Paying attention to the state of your body indicates that you are poorly adapted to cold weather, such as stiffness in your neck, arms, and legs. Call for emergency care as soon as you or someone around you has a sudden drop in heat.